My Own Private Connery

[Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side Of The Moon' looks at 431 weeks and laughs and laughs]

I will not have you besmirch the good name of Queen Antifa!

Shit, he re-tweeted some cartoon thing earlier today of a train mowing down a CNN reporter just a couple days after Charlottesville…

[Trump watching "Marathon Man"]

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…
and both sides were equally to blame…"

If "sainted" John Kelly and some of these other dingleballs clinging to the asshole that is Donald Trump had any moral courage (or outrage) there would be a stack of resignation papers on Trump's desk at the end of the day that would keep Kinkos in business for decades.

Alt right stop, collaborate and listen
Trump is back with my brand new invention
Nazis grab a hold of me tightly
Then I sound like a racist daily and nightly
Will it ever stop? Yo — I don't think so
Turn off the lights to this puppet show
To the extreme I rock a mic thru this scandal
Got more oratorio than George Frideric

Oh I know… I'm just saying I wish they were all named Chad

Yeah, but all those right-wing guys aren't named "Chad"

When they were handing out names, somebody should have bought a vowel and given that guys' last name a "U" instead of an "A"

I am not a crackpot!

It's official…
Thundercant has made me wish that the AV Club had already switched to Kinja.

You know something is going on, when even Jimmy Fallon steps away from his constant giggling to deliver an emotional and politically charged monologue…

You should be like the Backstreet Boys, and figure out a way to monetize/make a song out of your "venting"…

Taylor Swift should hire that paperboy kid from the John Cusack movie "Better Off Dead" to follow him around everywhere, saying "One dollar… I want my one dollar!"

“In retrospect, we may have tried too hard to attract new guests readers. That
left some of our fans shaking their heads, asking ‘What happened to
Applebee’s the AV Club?’”

Jon Snow: It's 106 miles to the White Walkers, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark… and we're wearing sunglasses.

the little brother of Lemmy from Motörhead??

Taylor Swift's Lawyer: Did you put your hand on Taylor's ass?

We Are Never Ever Getting Our Picture Taken Together