My Own Private Connery

[Neil DeGrasse Tyson reads article, thinks "What a pedantic asshole!"]

Is it just me, or is it weird that the guy who sang "Somebody That I Used To Know" is branching out into Internet currency??

"…Seeso's downfall began when they switched to the Kinja platform earlier this year…"

More like "Manafart", am I right??

Note: Poochie the AV Club died on the way back to its home planet

"Be grateful for the crap you have, because the next thing that comes along will be much crappier."

All your Disqus are belong to us

[Jerry Lewis launches into special AV Club version of "You'll Never Walk Alone"]

[quick detective work reveals that Buzzkill is actually Kristen Schaal]

Will I be able to access all my previous posts when you someone eat it?

Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best Cheeto bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Chester Cheetah!

According to the IMDB, 'Rhinestone Cowboy' Glen Campbell co-wrote the song "Sex & Violence" by the Scottish punk band The Exploited, that was featured in the movie "SLC Punk"*

*of course it's a different "Glen Campbell", but don't let that get in the way, Internet/IMDB!

How much time capsule could a Palahniuk chuck
if a Palahniuk could chuck time capsule?

…they write about these shows as though they’re real. As though the characters are real. As though the events are real…

[Dr. Shakalu has just farted]

All I remember is the time a fucking hacker almost started World War III playing Global Thermonuclear War, until he taught the computer, "The only winning move is not to play."

[Edgar Winter stands outside of LAX, playing "Frankenstein" in a cab lane]

I came for a "drunken Chris Pratt eats a cheeseburger" video…
I was disappointed…

My child shuttled in just the other day
He came to the planet in the usual way
But there were rockets to catch, and bills to pay
He learned to spacewalk while I was away
And he was talking 'fore I knew it, and as he grew
He'd say, I'm gonna be an astronaut like you, dad
You know I'm gonna be like you

Somehow, Lou Reed will come back from the dead just to bitch about this