My Own Private Connery

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning to drink the local milk?"

Each episode will be an hour spent with the protagonist visiting apocalyptic cities, staring at the abandoned skyscrapers, and saying
"Ah boy, I'm just so tired of all these Dark Towers."

I'm really surprised there isn't a commenter on the AVC named "Dick Wolf Blitzer"

But it does open up some interesting Hollywood job opportunities for him.

or he's at the halfway point from staring at the Lost Ark of The Covenant.

SenorApplesauce: Man, I was eating this peach and I cracked my tooth on something…
does this look like a peach pit, or a rock to you?

Nothing good to tell… I was the absolute "low man on the totem pole" so my main jobs were to

I met her nearly 30 years ago, when I was an assistant on "Earth Girls Are Easy", and we spent an afternoon filming her scene at a gas station on the corner of Laurel Canyon and Ventura Blvd. Jim Carrey and Damon Wayans were there too. People were more into seeing her, because of the billboards, and didn't really know

The AV Club: UPDATE: Never mind!

The sucking is coming from inside the (white) house!

…mine the otherwise useless crap…

The FCC should make them post a "Viewer Discretion Advised" warning when she does a press conference

Eh… the regular commenters do a pretty good job here of wiffle balling away the occasional dopes that drop in from "alternative" websites, and it's always funny to watch the trolls fall back to "but, her emails, you cuck!"

It's a good euphemism for taking a shit…

New York to east California
There's a new wave coming, I warn ya
We're the kids in America (whoa)
We're the kids in America (whoa)
Everybody lives for the music-go-round

We need Trump to visit Farm Film Celebrity Blow-Up

and she knows how to run a really sweet Ponzi scheme based on the one she ran in her elementary school cafeteria, using chocolate milk and construction paper.

So Trump was accountable for all six of his bankruptcies?
That's great to know!

Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme four bees for a paradigm," you'd say.

My inclination would have been to yell -
"Tell your mom 'thanks' for letting me borrow it!"