
He's up there (on Tinder) waiting…

Future Man!

The second novel, Bad News, kind of is like that, but so much better.

I also think Mother's Milk should take at least two or three episodes. It's the only one that doesn't take place over a single day or night.

It's a masterpiece. I can't figure out why Chelsom has never made another good movie, let alone another great one.

I don't think those babies were "sleeping" in the opening dream.

Agreed. It would also make a nice "Jarmusch films the poets" double feature with Paterson— William Blake vs. William Carlos Williams.

This is true. I love Mamet, Williams, and O'Neill, but Wilson may be America's greatest playwright. I saw a couple minor plays on stage (Jitney and King Hedley) and they were still two of the best theater experiences of my life. Having only read the others, I'm looking forward to (hopefully better) adaptations of the

Is no one going to talk about how this Obama biopic is written by the author of Go the F**k to Sleep?

I think most people have this reaction: they hate the suitors, root for Odysseus to take back Ithaca, and then realize at the end that he's psychotic and goes too far. One theory I've heard about Homer is that these are stories from the 8th century looking back on the world before the Bronze Age collapse, and that the

After taking all of Ithaca's young men to get slaughtered in the war, he returns 20 years later to slaughter an entirely new generation over the same thing- a breach of hospitality. The suitors were terrible, but their grieving families at the end had a point.

Until the last few books of The Odyssey. He's basically a monster, as everyone makes sure to let him know at the end.

I'm finally reading those Rick Perlstein books about the rise of American conservatism in the 60's and 70's, starting with his book on Goldwater's campaign. Seems relevant for some reason.

We were probably stoned.

He was just a few lucky breaks away from being the new Larry King.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that as teenagers my friend and I would read that Saturday Reynolds column out loud to each other until we were laughing too hard to breathe.

Yeah, it would always be a sentence about how "Backdraft isn't all it's cracked up to be, Bunky…" followed by "Hang up the gloves, Vinny Paz! You don't owe anybody! Think of your family!"

I'm a Providence native. I remember seeing Vinny Paz with that neck/skull brace at the Showcase Cinemas in Seekonk. I would also laugh out loud with my friends while reading the weekly Bill Reynolds column in the Journal pleading with Vinny to "hang up the gloves."

I don't necessarily like it, but I've never eaten a hot dog without thinking about his short conversation with Roy Scheider in that movie about how much they miss hot dogs.

Having read the novel fairly recently, I still have no idea who this character is.