
As is Jelineks, Modiano, and a bunch of others I first heard about because of the Nobel Prize for Literature. This preening anti-snobbery is just an excuse not to read.

For me, this was the lesson from those movies. If given the opportunity to leave the Matrix, don't.

Once ISIS is defeated, shouldn't the oil they stole go back to the country to whom it belonged in the first place?

I'm very excited about Things to Come. Eden was my favorite 2015 movie, and one of the great depictions of a person outliving his potential.

Brody and Ignatiy are my two favorite critics, but they are hard-core and borderline-irrational Eastwood partisans. They both write beautifully about him, but I still wouldn't see a Clint movie just because they said it was good.

True story: my wife occasionally goes to the same church as Rod Stewart. On Easter a couple of years ago, Rod came outside, saw me with my then 2 year old daughter in the church playground, and said she was cute. So your sister's not that special!

I assumed he was one of those novelists who got a ridiculously large advance that publishers immediately regret once it never sells. That could have provided the down payment on a 2-bedroom Silver Lake house eight or nine years ago.

She got half of Tim Burton. The good half.

The fact she will now and forever be known as "beloved character actress Margo Martindale" makes me so damn happy.

And his character was based on Richard Yates, the famous author and father of Larry David's ex-girlfriend. Apparently Yates scared the crap out of David during their real-life meeting and the suede jacket thing actually happened.

Aren't all the non-trolling people who really care about a female Ghostbusters probably mentally ill, cripplingly lonely, or thirteen years old? I feel bad making fun of them.

I like how the article stressed it's her "first" memoir. How many volumes is she planning?

Any time a politician or celebrity says something stupid, I love how someone will have the @dril tweet that the statement most resembles. It's always eerily prophetic.

Hydrological AND hydrodynamical? Talk about running the gamut.

Famous grown-up nerd, Gore Vidal.

Skippy is the stealth great character in this film. So remarkably average. So pleasantly douche-y. He's like the guy they made friends with the first week of Freshman year who just kept hanging around, regardless of the fact that he had nothing in common with everyone else. I like how excited he is about naming their

And Chet has barely contained his hatred of Max. Witness his reaction to Max calling someone a jackanapes.

Wasn't Brando made up in The Freshman to look like he did in the Godfather— because that was the joke? Brando didn't naturally age into that look. Look at literally any other Brando performance from his 60's.

Played by Attanasio's father, I think.

Now we know the name Matthew McConaughey uses to post Amazon reviews.