
I forgot about that one. Time to re-visit my favorite end note!

Is it the one where they just film the audience?

He actually wanted to shoot it without a camera, but the initial footage put a stop to that idea.

It's one of the most lazily written shows I've ever watched, like a script draft with lots of placeholder notes got accidentally produced. Even the title seems like a placeholder for something slightly more original.

This is the problem with "Great Job, Internet!" You guys do everything at least two days late, and in the meantime someone who knows how to use a phone has actually figured out what's going on: http://www.deathandtaxesmag…

I've used gin and crushed juniper berries, along with basically the recipe above. It always came out great.

The A.V. Club

Some young time waster

We watched it in my Evidence class!

Does Out 1 count as television?

You can't lose the talking pie. The talking pie is your heart!

Looking at the picture, there's an 85% chance that he's Jared Kushner.

As Lucille Bluth once said, "I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it."

Nick Stoller strikes me as a the kind of guy who likes to remind you he went to Harvard.

This isn't the heroin I've been waiting for. Actually, where is that heroin?

No, but the Hawthorne story it's based on is one of my favorite short stories of all time.

Rick Steves being stoned all the time is something awesome I just learned about now. Thank you, Mr. McCarthy.

I like the reverse-sear. 200 until medium rare. Rest for 30 minutes. 500 degrees for ten minutes. This way, it's pink all the way through, without the gray ring.

I saw it on that old PBS show with Mark Bittman, where he went to Tuscany and horrified Mario Batali by putting soy/butter on a bistecca fiorentina.

This article was clearly paid for, in some way, by the fiancee and her mother. The buried lede is that they're matchmakers who will find you a rich man. That's their business. Great job, Internet, with the free publicity.