
By the description of their jobs in the review, they're probably not "upper" middle class. On-set tutors aren't making bank out here.

Yeah, that actor in no way could land one of the hottest actresses in the world.

Aside from Metcalf's monumental performance—for all the great stuff CK's gotten from Alda and Falco, this right here is the reason for this show's existence—the moment that got to me most was Horace hearing about his son for the first time in years. I started bawling about three seconds before Louis lost it.

Coogan is only four years older than Rudd. I'm shocked by this fact.

And he's literally the child of a billionaire!

The mortality rate for movie wives is shockingly high. Any time some character needs a kick in the ass to start a new life, his wife dies from plot complications. How come they never just get divorced?

I enjoyed this one a lot more than the first one. The entire series might be worth it just for, "Why do me and Clinton have to be such pigs?"

I couldn't appreciate it at the time, but saw it recently and it's really great. My problem was that I had just experienced my first two funerals as a kid, for close family members, and I associate that fear of mirrors with the Jewish ritual of covering mirrors during shivah. Hence the nightmares.

Two things when I was a kid:
1. I was scared to close my eyes in the shower because Arachnophobia taught me that when I opened my eyes there would be a poisonous spider on me.
2. The Scorsese-directed episode of Amazing Stories, "Mirror, Mirror," made me scared to look in the mirror. Thankfully, that only lasted a few

Attanasio also wrote one of the greatest screenplays ever (Quiz Show). I'm very confused about this show.

Modell is such a specific type of friend that everyone has. He's so fucking annoying all the time and you keep wondering why you're friends with him, and then every once in a while he pulls out a great joke and you realize, "Okay, that's why I hang out with this guy."

Did he say, "I am not listening to Jeffrey!"?

I watch Diner at least once a year, and never stop laughing at that part.

Oh… Too subtle for me.

"Free from the (literal) shackles of coupledom…"
Wow, this now seems much darker than I thought it was.

I genuinely loved what Arrested Development did with that challenge in Season 4. It was Five Obstructions-level success within insanely restrictive artistic parameters.

I've always had a soft spot for this show. And an actual soft spot. My plates never grew together.

I'd love to see the spin-off where Dave, Colin Hanks and friends move into a time-share in Tampa.

"I will not spend another Thursday fighting a rat for what is rightfully mine!"

Never leave the house without your ideal salary written on a folded-up piece of paper.