
I hope so. I've hit the wall when it comes to things that are so absurd they can't possibly be true. This means that even if this guy is completely sincere, I won't ever believe it. My brain simply won't comprehend that he isn't pranking everyone. Coincidentally, this has been my attitude toward Trump for maybe five

Daniel Radcliffe… the crime-solving farty boner jetski.

He directed two really good movies, one in the mid-nineties, one ten years later, both very subjective films about schizophrenics. I was kind of waiting for this decade's Kerrigan movie.

Holy crap, Lodge Kerrigan. Where's he been?

Dumb it down a little more for me.

I didn't even know that was a Bowie song when I watched the movie!

Yes. Yes, I am.

I thought I'd come out strong, intimidating everyone with my confidence. You're probably right, though.

I spelled both his first and last names wrong on Twitter once. He found it a month later and corrected me. He must run a lot of searches.

None of this lover's lament crap.

The drummer had earned the respect of Del Paxton. DEL… FREAKIN'… PAXTON.

Zahn was also willing to listen to anyone with a really cool van. I think that might have been his downfall. Also marrying the first floozy he met.

He was so horrible in Love & Mercy that I could only blame the movie and director. There's no way Paul Giamatti can turn in that bad a performance without a lot of help.

Please try to grieve silently, internet.

Totally right. And either Cruz (Harvard Law) or Trump (Wharton MBA) will put a stop to their reign of terror!

It's also kind of sweet that he cared for his ex-wife enough that she's included in the obituary.

Public Domain Thing: The Early Years

So what Federal crimes have those turkeys been committing?