
Kind of upset he's not literally going to get pecked to death by hens.

We had to call it dickety. The Kaiser stole our word "twenty" when he went over to The Dissolve.

Meg Ryan in The Doors (at least according to my memory of sneaking into that movie at age 14).

It's awful, and the audience was terrible, but I highly doubt she killed herself because a few people booed her. I wish the obits wouldn't report this like it was the "cause" of something as complex as suicidal depression. However, I share your love for Akerman's work, and the whole thing is upsetting. She was still


Eleven hours later, I'm amazed that no one else has mentioned it. When did Used Cars not become a cultural touchstone?

Fun fact: Ivan Reitman tried to talk DeVito out of using an Austrian accent for his performance as the larger twin, explaining that he grew up alone on an island in the middle of the Pacific, not Austria. DeVito triumphed, and we're left with his uncanny characterization today.

I don't want to tell you how to do your jobs, but where the hell is Jack Warden? With The Walk now in theaters, aren't we in the Zemeckissaince yet?

It'll be funny when Coltrane shows up next year to the set.

Baby Ruth is mostly baby, but I don't think any of them were named Ruth.

They should have made it all flashbacks like Walk Hard. "Why is he just stopping in the middle?" "Phillipe Petit needs to think about his entire life before he walks across."

It looks horrifying. I almost had an anxiety attack just looking at that picture of him lying on top of the wire.

Exactly. If the choice is addiction to nicotine or nothing, then the latter is obviously the best choice. In most cases I've seen, though, the choice is between addition to nicotine alone, and addiction to nicotine via cancer-causing tobacco smoke.

He's here. He's queer. He doesn't want anymore bears.

Written by a young JJ Abrams… it's all coming together now…

Anyone else prefer Toby Jones to PSH as Truman Capote? (This might be my most controversial opinion: I think Infamous is much better than Capote.)

Part Two: best character actors who are also bad-ass getaway drivers

"Come back, Lisa, you little love-killer"
Come back, Lisa… Lisa, Lisa Miller."

I think there's an anthropological element: he wants viewers to know the ritual behind a lot of native dishes, whether it's Madagascar or rural Louisiana. He seems allergic to the idea of just another cooking travelogue that starts with pretty food on the plate.

I love this show, and watch it religiously. However, I understand how horrifying it must look to an animal-loving vegetarian who just flips on the show from another channel. Bourdain doesn't just eat a lot of meat. He kills a lot of animals on camera, too.