
You can say "fuck" here. It's a cool place.

By three, kids just start asking lots of questions about everything. My wife and I explained where babies came from, but I keep delaying telling my daughter about death. However, she does keep asking, "Where was I before I was born?" so maybe I'll just hire a philosophy professor or something to do the dirty work.

Any parents here want to tell me if this convention (particularly in Frozen) makes it easier to explain death to their young children? I just told my daughter (two and half at the time) that Elsa's parents were still on the boat, and she never asked again.

Apparently they're still teaching Bettelheim because he's mentioned in the article.

I liked the book because it wasn't some celebration of the smart guys who "won." It's more about the ignorance of the rest of the financial world, the people who were slow to catch on. There's a weird horror/excitement to watching the book's characters profit (often in self-disgust) to the tanking of the entire

This is a wonderful book, but the best depiction of the housing bubble is probably the realtor scene in Arrested Development S4.

I love this book, so I hope that the preview is misleadingly make it seem as if all these guys got together and shorted the housing market. It wasn't exactly a heist-movie story. They all did this individually, some meeting up with each other to discuss how crazy it was that everyone else could be this stupid/blind to

"Cry Me a Woodriver"

Me, too. I'm also scared of flying, so between this and Flight it's hard to be a Zemeckis fan.

If I ever say Richard Dreyfuss, I would just start shouting, "DR. MARVIN! DR. LEO MARVIN!" It's not even my favorite Dreyfuss movie. I just watched it a lot when I was younger, for some reason, and references to What About Bob? are an involuntary reflex.

If there's a steady pay—
oh, that's already in the first sentence. I've got nothing else.

So… all of Part III and then the other two re-cut. They're really just re-cutting two movies.

Anyone else going to do this? No? Is really going to be me? Fine:
I'm seeing double! Four Tom Hardys!

Up-vote for all of it. Also for possible (possibly gross?) implications of user name.

Hey, listen, motherfucker, we only sing '80s Joel!

So many activities!

I like how they had three digits to fill, so they optimistically assume he's living to 100 or more.

See what I mean? You might be joking, but I'll never be 100% sure.

Too many l's and m's in that word. I can never spell it right on the first try. Need an easier-to-spell word.

I'm old enough and have been away from dating for so long (16 years) that young writers could literally tell me anything about contemporary dating and I would believe every word. Bonus points for the made-up dating app names.