
What a weird use of "uber-mensch" in the article.

She's not wrong. Midwifes are a great resource, and most home births work out. But hospitals don't just make women lie down. They often encourage them to walk around, squat on yoga balls, etc. until properly dilated. Also, she presented the whole thing as some personal challenge, as if she and her baby needed to do

I understand that Rushdie, writing in this fashion, might have still written a bad novel—Ground Beneath Her Feet is a good example of this—but the reviewer really does seem to know nothing about the author.

At the risk of spoilers, I think we're all pretty much thinking of one single moment in the movie.

Not for a movie? This is Franco. It'll probably be a movie. It probably came out already.

The review makes it sound as if Rushdie just started mixing mythology, history, and fantasy with this book, as if to cash in on some fad.

It asked for Taylor Swift to release its soul and let it find peace.

I agree with you, and, out of respect, I won't even make a joke about your choice of the phrase "bone up."

That home-birth story was peak 2015 Brooklyn, and though I found her otherwise interesting and likable I had to forward through that bullshit..

Élodie Bouchez is incredible in this movie. So shocking and heartbreaking that I vividly remember so much of it even though I haven't watched the movie in 16 years.

Didn't anybody else watch the late At the Movies, featuring Ignatiy Vishnevetsky, along with the Werner Herzog as the voice of Ebert?

It's pronounced "oh-ned-ers."

They just told him it was a party that no one invited him to, and when he showed up to "surprise" everyone they secretly filmed him.

How many seasons before the fart smell under there became unbearable?

A slight disagreement: I think what made his Bored to Death performance so delightful was its lack of "prickliness." Like the real-life Ames, Schwartzman's Ames was intensely self-loathing, but very open to love and new experiences. He was basically the exact opposite of Schwartzman's Philip.

Who the fuck doesn't care for Phoebe? I reject the very premise of this, Internet.

Lisa: Well, look at the wonders of Disneyland now!
Banksy: Disney Lisa… or dismal?
Lisa: I think that was implied by what I said.
Banksy: Implied Lisa… or implode?
Lisa: Mom, make him stop!

These aren't "shots." They're still pictures. A shot is much more than a single frame. This might be pedantic, but it's been bothering me for a while now.

It's enjoyable to hear more about this guy being a confirmed dingus, which we knew already. However, it's probably not worth the criminal breach of privacy and untold misery this bring to the deserving and undeserving alike. The same way I feel about the Sony hack—it was criminal, morally wrong, sleazy to report on,

Character actress Margo Martindale is really the best thief and getaway driver that the American cinema and theater have to offer.