
Everything he says is 100% correct. And he's right that Vampire's Kiss is one of his best roles, but I hope he also realizes that Raising Arizona might be one of the best comic performances in movie history.

Paul Schrader? He wrote one of my favorite movie books, but has he written any film criticism professionally in the past 40 years? Cage needs to look at the new guys, especially the best film critic in the land, a certain Russian-born Van Damme-phile who writes for the A.V. Club.

If this stuff is true—and who knows with these types of memoirs—I'm genuinely curious how people can stay friends with someone who, weeks before, was literally making them crawl through shit and vomit to drink beer out of someone's ass. The hazing makes a weird kind of sense to me. The magical "it's over let's be

I'm so happy the cat finally ate racism. It's truly a better world now.


You think so? The way he says "memoir" makes it all worth it.

My favorite movie-comedy ending of the past decade.
"What did we learn, Palmer?"

"I don't know, sir."

"I don't fucking know either. I guess we learned not to do it again."

"Yes, sir."

"I'm fucked if I know what we did."

"Yes, sir, it's, uh, hard to say."

"Jesus fucking Christ."

Amateur move to leapfrog over Citizens on Patrol as if it weren't necessary to telling the whole saga.

I can't explain why, but this last sentence made me laugh harder than anything I've seen here today.

I could write for The Devolve. I've had years of preparation.

I used to have a big crush on her, but realized that my crush was on her Lisa Miller from NewsRadio, maybe not on the actress herself.

Even if you fail, they'll still give you the credits!

No, it still airs on PBS. (It's in the article.)

That was a hoagie. Not sure why this matter, but it matters.

A much simpler way of saying what I thought. Thank you.

It didn't really click for me until Ray used the phrase "sublunary sphere," which is ornately weird, even for HBO-drama standards. I have no doubt there is also something significant about the mayor drinking from his silver cup, and something going on with that "full moons are best for forming alliances" line. Just

Damn. I was hoping for some Masonic conspiracy or something.

I didn't. What is the occult history of US transportation? This sounds like great stuff.

The Wire is a brilliantly sustained piece of classical storytelling, using some of the best crime novelists (in Richard Price's case, novelists in general) around. For all the credit that show gets for tackling news-worthy social issues, it works best as fiction. I don't know if this is what Pizzolatto aspired to, but

I thought of Dionysus/maenads in the literally drugged young women on the mountain, engaging in a literal orgy. Alcohol/drugs as a path to madness, but also enlightenment for both Ani and Ray. Ray's weird remark about "this sublunary sphere." The many shots of bird flight—i.e. auguries. Ani's father calling his old