
I thought they broke up. (Note: I also have a crush on the aforementioned musical performer.)

Man, sometimes these people on the horrible morning shows are just trying to do their fucking jobs. I'm now old enough that I'll apparently take the wrong "side" on this one.

Thanks. I don't really know Adams. I'll look it up now.

Does anyone know if that was a existing piece of music, or original to the show? It was beautiful—the kind of slightly dissonant, classical avant-garde that Kubrick used in The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut.

That could be true. Or he's half-remembering a college class he really liked from 20 years ago. I'm barely above the Google level of knowledge about Ancient Greece either. The references aren't just literary, though. They are to religious/cult experiences that give the whole thing an overlay of dreams emerging into a

My favorite NewsRadio exchange:

Mr. James: You are totally under siege out there! It's just like that movie. What's its name?
Dave: "Under Siege"?
Mr. James: No.
Dave: "Under Siege 2"?
Mr. James: No.
Dave: "Under Siege 3"?
Mr. James: That's the one.
Lisa: I don't think they made an "Under Siege 3".
Mr. James: Hey, I can dream,

If I'm following the Ellroy logic, a redhead is always doomed.

Oh, yeah. I'm not even touching the literal Greek cult that her father is running. I'm sure that will play into the last two episodes.

She may have been crying because of the intense hallucinations about traumatic issues from her past, ending with a disorienting blood-soaked entry back to reality. I know I cried the last time it happened to me.

But not a Seagal as a cook on a battleship movie. Because we shouldn't speak ill of that one.

I'm sure some people have gotten into this in the 697 comments, but the important allusions this season are not just to recent L.A. noir; it's to Ancient Greece. With Ray's talk of "the sublunary sphere" last week, the full-moon Dionysian frenzy this week (both Ray and Ani use intoxicants as a path to

I took it for Magnolia homage, the drums sounds very Jon Brion-y. Considering that Uncle Hank was voice by Philip Baker Hall in scummy Jimmy Gator mode, it would not have been too obscure for a Magnolia shout-out.

Can we still call her "character actress Margo Martindale"?

Good thing I'm wearing my "Born Deleuze" t-shirt today.

Literally my second thought. (After, duh, Cosby.)

The Kureishi-verse is boundless.

Damn it, no. That would have been awesome.

I lived in a neighborhood in Brooklyn where they shot for a couple days. At the time, the movie was called Martial Law. The notices in our mailboxes just said ALERT: MARTIAL LAW WILL BE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD THIS WEEKEND. I really thought we were all getting arrested or something. (Cool story? The coolest story.)

I loved Michael Donovan in all those Huell Hartley movies.

I have no idea what's going on down there. Oh, well.