
This article, reprinted from the AP, on the Alabama Department of Human Resources investigation: http://www.oregonlive.com/t…. They actually say, "We don't make competency determinations." There may have also been another investigation. I'm also having a hard time keeping up.

Do people still say "win the Internet"? Because I think it qualifies here.

Kafka's unfinished works, which admittedly include the most important stuff (his novels). He had published a lot of stuff already in his lifetime. But again, as I mentioned above, there should be little restriction on what gets published after death, but a person who lacks mental capacity cannot contract for the

If she has not given consent because she lacks capacity, then it would be very different. The suspicion is that her lawyer and others have pretended she is competent to give permission, following her sister's death and the years Alice Lee protecting Harper. State agencies have investigated Lee's new attorney, but only

The praise for Phoenix actually makes me want to see this. The other great recent example of a lead performance taking over a Woody Allen movie for the better is Sweet and Lowdown, which is a classic pretty much for the Sean Penn performance.

Whether or not this is terrible, we can all agree this is a sweet-ass title for something. Probably a metal album.

Do we just consider Tanner '88 an Altman thing? Or am I the only one who likes it?

"I'll miss him. He knew that value of a billion."

This might not be a great book, but maybe we should tone down the mean comments. Isn't it impressive enough that a twelve-year-old was able to write one, let alone two, novels?

I think it's Jerry from Parks & Rec.

He still makes more than the President.

Actually, I have no idea who he is, but there's just something inherently wonderful about a grown man calling himself PewDiePie and making more money last year than I will probably make in what's left of my horrible life. Who wants a drink?

Worth every penny. Love this guy.

Heh heh, I've got a really funny Simpsons reference I've been waiting to use. Looks like Harry Shearer's moving… TO A BIGGER— dammit.

How do you keep up with the news like that?

Who doesn't know that Clint and Ron Howard are related? I don't believe those people exist. Show yourselves, weirdos!

The best thing about this article was the reminder of the Max Perlich Era in American independent film.

I can still make myself laugh by thinking about Rosie O'Donnell saying the line "I'm riding the bus with my sister!"

(Update: I made myself laugh just by writing this comment.)

Sometimes these non-O'Neal Newswire writers don't really know what they're making fun of.

I appreciate your comment. Telling the truth can be dangerous business.