
Ransom is one of those rare big-budget movies where the personality of the screenwriter comes through clearly. Everything good about that movie—the Sinise character, especially—comes from Richard Price.

"…the final entry in a trilogy about 'being human'"

I like Andersson, but this is some bullshit. You can't call something a trilogy based on such broad unifying criteria. Every movie is about "being human."

You'll find a way to profit from this somehow. Maybe they can follow up this article with a picture of Graydon Carter clutching a trash bag full of money as Vanity Fair flies off the shelves.

The bad news is you're sterile.

Ellin, you've done it again!

That makes me very happy. I will edit accordingly.

"Bastardly Cowboy Billionaire" is both a nonsensical phrase (how is "bastard" working as an adverb here) and also an awesome thing that I will now aspire to be.

EDIT: Bastardly is apparently a real world. My apologies, Mr. Dowd.

His first post-Entourage will probably resemble Le Feu Follet. Don't give up hope, Mr. Dowd.

"…a $100 million Jekyll And Hyde adaptation about a superhero DJ. "


Fun fact: Nathanael West died in a car accident one day after Fitzgerald's death. I think he might have been driving up for his funeral.

I bet Pynchon is just a stoner. You could try that.

"The Crack-Up" is catnip for the young depressive. I'm embarrassed that I was already 20 when I read it several dozen times.

Don't worry. I'll find something to hate about this.

How come no one in these types of movies ever just wants their ex-wives to die?

It's okay. I don't even know what I'd do with an internet.

Is Brooks mad at Aziz Ansari for just releasing a book called Modern Romance?

Yes. It's opening this weekend, so we are being greeted with a warm "hello." Unless, of course, the same word came mean hello and goodbye…

He should have never re-made that heartfelt Israeli rom-com, Shalom.

Doesn't "in media res" just mean in the middle of the action, which is how most stories since The Iliad have begun? I don't think it necessarily means start at the end of the story and then flash back.