
This is more like biblical typology, where certain figures from an earlier story prefigure more notable later figures, or whatever other shit Lucas picked up from Joseph Campbell. I also can't understand why he things this a great new theory—it's apparent (and not subtle) on first viewing.

That's one thing I liked about the prequels: the way they deliberately echo the corresponding movies in the original trilogy. Still doesn't make them good movies, though.

Not so long as the 13th Amendment remains valid.

I think reading this particular story might not alleviate any of your guilt.

That baby has exacting standards.

Not just Lot 49. Yoyodyne makes an appearance in V. and its founder, Clayton "Bloody" Chiclits appears in Gravity's Rainbow.

Lando, Han, Chewy, and the rest of the gang gather in the house of Admiral Ackbar after he's committed suicide. Much nostalgic bonding and dancing to Motown ensues.

What's the word for not sure if something's real but want it to be real so bad that you choose not to Google if it is real?

Really? I had the titular line in Out of Africa.

It's true, though. Only one show at a time can be searched on Bing.

Isn't Conrad the name of Timothy Hutton's character in Ordinary People?

The way that guy kept running through everyone's name just got funnier and funnier.

Stupid kids need the most attention.

Contortion? My fingers quite easily reach from the Shift to the 4 keys. That's where you'll find their rationalization.

Arnie Pye deserves a chance. It's his right time, Kent.

I call them Whitey whackers.

I thought of that, too. The weirdest homage to that shot is in Girl 6, where Spike Lee replaced the garbage with falling telephones.

Ist das nicht ein piece of chalk?

Ja das ist ein piece of chalk.

Ist das nicht ein key and lock?

Ja das ist ein key and lock.

Piece of chalk, key and lock

Oh, du schöne

Oh, du schöne

Oh, du schöne


Le Show. It's a desolate, unfunny wasteland full of dead air.

Poor little lamb. Wool miss him.