
I should write for that blog. I am the most masculine heterosexual man. I fart vaporized testosterone.

Has anyone else noticed that "Great Job, Internet!" sometimes features stories where the internet has not, in fact, produced something great? I think we can make some jokes about that.

They should call the movie Croc of Shit.

I thought it was invented for the Coming to America joke.

It's inspiring, and it makes me happy that she became a Justice. I just don't think it sounds like a good movie.

I like her as a Justice, but yeah—slow, tedious Oscar-bait biopic putting me to sleep just thinking about it. I want a Caddyshack-style raunchy comedy about Scalia's rise to power.

I agree with both those things, but I find it hard to believe that a RBG biopic could be at all interesting as a movie.

This sounds so boring.

Is this a comedy? I haven't read the book, but I don't remember hearing that the stories are very funny.

Kay-ooooger! He's got a name like one of those old-timey car horns.

Makes sense. Rats like to write blogs.

I'm not watching that dog with his blog until I know that the writers have some sort of explanation for why a dog is writing a blog. He's a dog! WTF?

I don't watch as much as I used to, but Rob Reiner will come back for Cece's wedding, right? I will always make sure to watch for a Rob Reiner guest-star.

I tried your parenting tip this morning. She just slapped me and shouted, "I'm the one in charge here… bitch." Now I'm writing this comment from a locked closet. I hope she doesn't find me here.

Well, I've asked my 3 year old if she wants to watch any of these shows, from any of the articles in this series, and it's still only Yo Gabba Gabba all the fucking time.

Congratulations! I'm stopping at the second kid, but part of me kind of wants to go for number three.

That's a really cute baby.

This is one rando thought from 35,000 feet that just might work!

*cue the EDM*

Important question: does your father go by the name "Duke Swanky" on Instagram?

They should find a place for that Santa dance in every article.