
My three year old would want to interview Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo, except she would only ask questions about Yo Gabba Gabba. Probably, "Do you hang out with Foofa all the time?" or something.

"That’s your baby-making song."
-classic Todd

The action figure was cool.

This sounds like an interesting animated comedy. How could I have missed it until now? Will watch!

I couldn't finish Vol. 1. He mainly gets praised for what he doesn't put in his novels: characters, plots, style, imagination—that is, fiction. But I like made-up things. I like fiction. I like some linguistic style. And I really don't look forward to the massive influence that Knausgaard is already having on some

At a certain point, though, I just wanted to sit him down and say, "No says you have to write this memoir, Dave." I was disappointed because it came out within a year or two of me experiencing a similar situation (parents dead of cancer, high-school age sibling [though thankfully I did not become her caregiver]), and

JJ Abrams needs to find a way to expand the Regarding Henry universe, even if it's under the guise of new Star Wars movies.

Oh… I blame my inability to comprehend things.

I learned my lesson when I made an awesome joke on the Gary Oldman meltdown post of several months ago. Don't remember the joke, but it was probably awesome.

I figured that the title, "The Lady" (Russ' electronic mothering system) was about the formation of an HR protocol—that is, a pseudo-legal construct that management can blame instead of taking responsibility themselves. Note that Big Head literally got the HR guy's office at Hooli. So there's your thematic

That's funny. My mother thought it was hilarious. She even took a picture of her "three daughters," me and my two sisters.

"Drugging and Raping America's Funny Bone"

At one point, it would be grimly funny if Cosby issued a statement saying, "This one I actually did."

Olivia Wilde might have a privileged background, but they also left her with the name "Cockburn," so I think it evens out.

How does that sad song go, BigO?



Thanks. I really like that, especially the part about Rudy Wurlitzer making up all the automotive terms in Two Lane Blacktop. Just from quick Googling, I saw that the actress who played most those roles in Chafed Elbows was Elsie Downey. I'm pretty sure that it was also her doing all those great cartoon-like voices on

Anyone else been enjoying those Robert Downey Sr. movies they put out on Criterion and now Hulu? I thought I'd start a thread just in case. Those are some awesome indie movies, particularly Chafed Elbows, with Downey Jr.'s mother doing great acting/voice-work. (Also: maybe the subject of suffering for your art in the

Oh no, the robots are now overcompensating! We're all doomed!

Koogler was by far the best thing to come out of last season—and I really liked last season. That guy's like the live-action Corey from School of Hard Knockers.

I would totally respect this creative decision.