But the best Westerns are still way better than the best superhero movies.
But the best Westerns are still way better than the best superhero movies.
If I've learned anything from politics, it's that Ohio is whatever people want it to be for whatever agenda.
There's at least the aura of "poor life decision" that gives grad students some pathos.
I thinking Shining Path would be an awesome band name. I am not Peruvian.
College students are the worst.
Just checking to make sure this was here.
I bet ISIS is full of Cowboys fans. Fucking assholes.
This show is considered "slow"? Compared to what? It's a drama about a guy starting a shady criminal-law practice. Stuff happens fairly regularly. It's not like Bela Tarr or something.
I wonder if this will be traditional—using Cotton Mather's account and all that—or one of the newer revisions to the history, pointing to land disputes as the source of the accusations. A good telling of this story, not as allegory (Arthur Miller) or as horror (claiming they really *are* witches!) would be welcome.
No, but according to the description his law practice involves representing TVs.
Do they call it that anywhere but in Rhode Island? I grew up thinking they were called grinders, and people laughed at me when I left the Ocean State.
Sick of them casting black people as traditionally white superheros.
Oxford sucks. They won't even let you teach there unless your name is "Don"! How discriminatory is that?
It would be weird if it was my grandmother's birthday party. Just a bunch of old ladies really digging the new Jay Baruchel joint.
And my favorite lines, delivered by the great late Alexander Godunov: "I lost her too, but I will get over it because I am shallow and self-centered. But you, you wont, because you are 'complex.' You will feel terrible anguish for the rest of your life. "
It's kind of terrible. That didn't stop me from watching the VHS a million times when I was 11, but still terrible.
I never forget The Money Pit. Still holds up.
Both roles should have been Zmed, split-screen Dead Ringers-style.
I'm thinking the raping, brawling, face-tattooed man-beast of a lead character will become someone nicer and handsomer.