
I love how polite Bowie's starman is, putting off a meeting with us so that he doesn't blow our fragile minds.

Middle child.

I love Beck, including this new album. I love Kanye saying and doing crazy shit. I love Beyonce. If possible, I want to be on Team Everybody.

Dickety? Highly dubious.

Wow, taped and catalogued.

During the second Clinton term, we lost our will, as a nation, to consolidate our observations into the body of the actual text.

Like when the cat burglar was caught by the very person trying to catch him.

I was sad to learn that I was maybe the 700th person to make that joke on Twitter. Chris Evans claiming "babies taste best" will never stop being a funny reference.

This was Gus Van Sant's greatest achievement.

Also I've been reading for years how much her sister was protecting her from unwanted publicity, including people who wanted Lee to publish another novel. I hope that there's someone else looking out for her best interests now.

This news is definitely suspicious, following the death of Lee's sister recently. I wouldn't be surprised if they're taking advantage of an old woman with diminished competence.

Overboard has one of my favorite Edward Herrmann performances. He specialized in rich idiots, and this was one of his first.

It's pretty good. The last scene manages to be both horrifying and moving in ways that I don't see a lot in other movies.


They were eating rotisserie chicken.

So… did Shearer get tortured for speaking of this again?

He was playing Moe Greene when you were going out with cheerleaders! (This being The A.V. Club, that joke probably doesn't make a lot of sense.)

The A.V. Club
This whole episode

I think you're assuming Don Del Grande ever leaves his basement.

Kids these day are unfortunately not well-versed in The Famous Teddy Z.