
Thumbs up for "hooplehead"

This is set in a fantasy world where there is literal magic, and potions and salves and freaking wildfire. This is written by producers and showrunners, not medically trained individuals. This is a show where getting to point A to B is more important then stringent detail to biology.

I'm thinking Lady Stoneheart is going to be the big season-ending reveal.

The intrigue and characters are still intrinsically interesting to keep watching, but there is no question: The quality of the writing in this show has dropped off considerably.

I'd argue that you don't need to list any ruler to make your point. But when you start dropping names, people are going to call you out for being selective.

Holy shit. That's awful. The common user is going to get confused, hate it, and never use it.

Don't beat yourself up, most of us don't read the review.

Indeed. And that's not how white collar criminal prosecution works in the states. They don't care that you're broke now. They'll liquidate everything you got and garnish all future income into they GET their money, damn it. Thieves don't get a free pass because they spent all their ill-gotten gains.

I have a feeling it will be lauded by tech heads, but the common user isn't going to like it at all. Probably because, like Monica, they see it as a product, and don't care at all about the coding behind it.

Thank you for articulating the very reason why I skip the actual review and just come down to the comment section. It's more hilarious and relevant then most of these naval-gazing reviewers.

Probably. This show has been aching for a big tech industry cameo, and they did drop his name this episode.

Surrounded by those who realize this is a fictional show.

Bull. You're a pacifist, right? Ascribing to a similar view where "Violence is a disease, that isn't cured by more violence", right? Then any action that goes against such an idea, such as drone strikes that kill people, especially innocent ones, with the objective of "We need to kill them because they are a

Chill out. It's just a show. A fiction pretend show with tits and dragons.

Why are you just singling out Ol GW and Colin Powell? Those drone strikes that Obama authorizes aren't dropping flowers on people.

Gut stabs and gut shots are not mortal wounds. Many, many, many people have survived such injuries.

Om nom nom nom Crow nom nom.

Probably. It's only hubris if I'm wrong. Tell you what, if you're right, I'll eat some crow. But until then, Imma tell you that "theory" is silly silly silly.

Mmm, very good point.