
Yes, I called you silly. What a horrible, wretched insult! You are still being silly, but you are also being extremely immature and petty. Thing is, is that I'm tired of arguing with you. You've taken us off the point of realism/suspension in this show so much, and now simply are lambasting juvenile insults to

Although the defining part of the Christian faith isn't just that Christ was crucified, but that he was also resurrected into heaven, it's a fair enough desire to make that film (at least as good as any other reason to make a film). But if Gibson is going to think this will also resurrect his career, or how the

I don't work at Walmart. How's your career at spitefully insulting people online and being pretty much a horrible person? Does it pay well? Fulfilling?

Thanks for pointing out the typeo there, Stannis.

Yeah. I don't long into the AV club and obsess over silly internet comments every day of my life. I have other things to do. So, forgive me for not dutifully waiting, with baited breath, for every silly response you might have.

How about you do it first, Doc, since it was your idea.

Might as well get that mat yourself, since you clearly didn't read or understand what I was trying to say.

The books do it far, far better then this show. When Northern loyalty actually means something.

You're SO right. They should spend the next 4 episodes methodically detailing Arya's long, agonizing and "realistic" recovery instead of, you know, getting on with moving the plot forward. Man. I'm really glad you aren't a writer for this, or any other, show.

Hey man, if you think the location of a wax seal is important, I guess that's your prerogative, but I think it's very, very very silly.

Wow. Wow. Just. A plethora of ignorance, cruelty, and some sort of weird dig at Trump. Although I mentioned nothing about the jackass. I'm not even going to answer your question, it's so not worth it.

Obsessing over it is for nerds, yes. That's the joke.

You know what? I stand corrected! Touche sir, you're right! Very Victorian (Lie back and think of England) and not Medieval at all!

Hey, I understand the whole concept of suspension of disbelief. But for the common viewer, who DOESN'T have a background in medical sciences, they're not thinking about infection, sepsis or blood diseases. They're using base, common knowledge to determine the likelihood of a fatality. And considering that after

That is pretty silly. People, and I'm assuming Braavosi are people, have like, hundreds of reasons to stab each other. Having a monopoly on murder is like having a monopoly on sex.

Apologies, I was reading both the newbies and experts threads, and got things mixed up when I posted this. To be kind, Imma edit my original remark.

Or, maybe, have a guy get literally stabbed to death and resurrected? Because, that's what happened on this show, this silly show about tits and dragons where you want incredible medical plausibility. You might be more then a web MD (Who knows, this is the internet, where no one needs to prove their pedigree) but

You just gave them a list of who to kill for maximum impact. I hope you're happy.

It's been said a few times by the head sparrow himself: The common people, and especially the poor, outnumber the ruling class by a immense margin. The mob can dethrone anyone. If it can happen in our actual human history, it can sure happen in Westeros.

What the hell are you talking about?