
Agreed. It's like if Stannis showed up, and all the nitpickers are like, "Well, you can't complain because we didn't REALLY see him die" Sometimes you don't need to see blood and guts. When a show tells you someone is dead, they probably should stay dead. If you were just going to bring them back, why did you

The only good parts about the far east plotline is Tyrion and Varys. If I don't see Dany "I'm totally coming to Westeros guys. Totally. Just… gonna really do it!" Targaryn, ever again, I'll be content.

I don't know much about the fictional religion of the seven, but I don't think it's fair to say that his religion doesn't care about the poor, just that HE doesn't really care about the poor. Gotta separate the man from the faith sometimes. He might (and probably is) just another person hungry for power, who knows

As mentioned below: Both men and women have done the walk of shame. It's not misogyny if both men and women are held accountable. I will give you points on calling out the medieval notion that women don't need to worry about desire when they make the beast with two backs, but hey, this is a fantasy novel highly

I love you so much, you big lovable D&D dork <3

Plot armor makes assassins do non-assassiny things. Like stabs to hearts or slits to necks.

"Unless there is a measter hiding behind that rock, I'm as good as dead"

Yeah, but she didn't have a "I was stabbed by the faceless men" sign taped to her forehead.

Boo. Hiss.

Ah well. Still have the books. Whenever I need to listen to a clever badass, I just read it, or listen to that section of an audiobook. It, at least, tides me over.

Speaking as a religious person, I thank you for articulating so well my own frustrations. Beliefs and philosophies, like the people who hold them, are unique and varied. But when everyone is a fanatic, it gets simple and boring.

A man needs to stop reading tin foil hat theories by bored/needy fans.

And she's damn lucky her plot armor only let her get gutted. I mean. Stab to the heart: Dead. Slit throat: Dead. Why the hell did a trained assassin strike the one area of the body, the gut, where a person can actually survive for a time.

With all that running around the countryside to get Stark allies, this episode was the perfect set up for House Manderly, and the biggest (and girthiest) badass of them all: Wyman Manderly. Alas, it did not happen. I am dissapoint.

Oh, I know. But soon as I posted my comment, I was informed it was "under review" probably because I used such a euphemism for the female genitalia. I, personally, don't find it nearly as offensive as any other slang we have for our funbits (and man, we have a ton of them, and a lot of them are named after

2 women. One gay man. Seriously. Three people. How can you make a consistant pattern for three people?

And she wonders why people call her a cunt! (It's in context of the TV show, AV club, no real feelings are being hurt by the scary scary word!)

But I don't think the death penalty is on the table, even if Cersi loses. It's a Trial by combat. Cersi has decided to forgo a usual trail, and have her champion and the faith's champion duke it out.

Or he could just be dead.

No, Archmage! Don't bring that up! That spoils the super precious narrative they're making for themselves!