
Interesting theory, but during his last phone call with the now-ill Lydia, Walt did clearly say he stuck the ricin in the "that steevia crap" she was always putting in her tea.

Groovy, thanks.  It's funny, the machine gun trunk robot didn't phase me a bit, but that ricin switcharoo did.  And it seems like a very plausible explanation.  Thanks again!

Great stuff.  However, I have one burning question:  How the heck did Walt get the ricin into that sealed packet of Steevia?

I'm glad that since Hank had to die, he did it in a more bad-ass and noble way than his killer.

I won't list -all- the possibilities for posterity, but I can certainly give you the largest suspect at the top of the list to get the ol ricin treatment:  Jesse.

Now there is an interesting thought!  People are way to quick to throw terms like psychopath and sociopath around when really it could be a hundred other things.

Check up on the Hare Psychopathy Check List, and then get back to me.

I'm a forensic psychologist. I know my definitions of clinical terms. I get what you are saying, but I can't get behind it. It's far to simplistic a conclusion.

I got bad news for you. Psychopaths and sociopaths -do- know what they are doing is wrong.  They are legally sane.  The do horrible things, they know it's morally wrong, they know it's illegal, they even know that they should be doing it.

*Cough*  Tomorrow….

There are literally a dozen other people that ricin could be for.  I don't think it's a long shot to assume it isn't for two people who had a very limited and minor role to play in all of this.

Odd.  I figured he'd go after the guys who killed his brother-in-law and stole his money.  But what do I know?  I just watch the show.


Yeah!  I got a good name for it.  Creaking Cad.

Woah.  Slow down on the potty mouth there.

As a smelly Canadian, we don't have Ben And Jerry's ice cream parlours, or even the retail containers.  What is in Amiericone dream that makes it so awesome?

Yeah, for quite some time I actually thought it was a flashback on how Saul got -into- the lawyering business in New Mexico.

Yeah.  I remember a few weeks ago I posted something very similar.  Except substitute "Jesse" for "Hank".

Nah, just Fallout-esque

If you graphed out "evilness" Lydia certainly would score high.  I don't know if she'd be at the top, but she'd be up there.  Either way, seeing her disrespect of human life and how she treats people has made me wish that Mike didn't take a half measure and actually killed Lydia when he had the chance.