
The only thing I can take away from this episode that the commenters haven't already mentioned is how awesome it is, in this penultimate episode, that they can bring in a new character who is interesting and entertaining.

Funny thing when people act selfishly:  They end up hurting innocent people.

I guess you have to chalk that up to "things that would be easier if the characters just were honest with each other for a minute".

I has a sad.

Yeeeeaaaaaaahhhh.  No.

Yep, and if he was that resolute about ending it he could have done it a thousand times by now.  But don't blame the wife and kid for saying, "Hey, how about you don't just give up and die?"

Conventions are made to be broken

Yeah, how dare they ask for their father and husband to fight for his life rather then give up.

Oh, here's a crazy idea:  When reviewing a TV show, you could just talk about that show.  There's plenty of bad things about Dexter to make jokes about rather then make references to other shows that, ultimately, have nothing to do with the one you are reviewing.

Looks like you swallowed every single rationalization Walt gives himself, and any critic.  I. however, don't buy it for a moment.

The only person I'm sticking it to is @herovillian:disqus.  As for nazi's, neo-nazi's, facists, the Aryan Brotherhood, the KKK, and thier ilk?  They're so low, they don't even deserve my derision.

I don't know what to tell you.  I have it recorded on my DVR, and I've watched the scene half a dozen times.  My eyes plastered on Gomez every brief scene he's in.  No impact shot, no blood on his shirt, nothing.

@x23 The Drum might give you a few extra seconds, but a 30 round mag?  Oh man.  AR-15 fires 600 rounds per minute.  That means that clip will be empty in 3 seconds.

Welcome to the internet.

Unless you are from the future, you can confirm nothing, fool!

@avclub-487536cfb5800026e30be99e6fc7a815:disqus  Correct.  Assault rifles can have giant clips.  But none of the Nazi's had such an extension on their otherwise impressive hardware.

Thank you!  Hope is a dangerous thing when it comes to a show like this, but nevertheless, you gave me a glimmer of it.

It's TV.  Nothing is impossible.

It's not like Walt was flush with cash at the during the fast-forward season 5 opening.

They are Nazis!