
What did you say?  Nazis?  They're all Nazi's.  Okay.  Glad we cleared that up.

Because they stopped filming the show, and Steven Michael Quezada is not, in fact, his character?

Sooo… they might all run empty and resort to hugging all the bad feelings out?

This show is getting increasingly hard to masturbate to.

*snaps fingers in an appreciative manner*

You know what I think?  I think NAZIS are exactly the same as the ARYAN BROTHERHOOD.  The Brotherhood are Nazi's through and through!  I'm certainly not typing this to spite a certain person who's on a one-man crusade to educate us on the subtleties of hate groups!  Nope!  I honestly think that when it looks like a

I'm going to make a post especially for you now.

We don't care.  Seriously.

You should spend all this energy on defending groups that don't believe in a inherent superiority of a group of people based on the colour of one's skin or what religion they practice.

@Greyhound  For some reason I don't feel bad about insulting racist scum.

Interesting idea, but I don't see Walt just popping his head up in the middle of a fire fight and expect someone to not accidentally shoot him.

Penis.  You mean penis.

It's sad that this is the best case scenario.

Dooon't sto-

Why aren't they all popping off headhsots?  Because I believe this show is set on the planet earth, while the Walking Dead is set in some sort of world created by a 14 year old boy who watched too many action movies.

@avclub-f16faf5d680d7b88e2e157c1c137c497:disqus Nope, you aren't the only one.  I feel the same way.  I don't like the odds of our hopes coming to fruition, but they're still there.

I'l read the other reviews and comments later, but I just finished watching, and I have to get this off my chest.

Only problem:  Walt has no idea Jesse is working for Hank.  From what he can tell, his blackmail has worked, and although his in-laws are furious, they're neutered.

In a deleted scene, Hank speaks into the phone the code phrase "Hello Voicemail", and then Walt's message starts playing.

@avclub-8b5e7836dd068601d1d820b4147fde37:disqus  No.  I don't.