
@avclub-8b5e7836dd068601d1d820b4147fde37:disqus Last time I checked, just because her husband did horrible things doesn't excuse her own behaviour.  It's like someone who reeks of urine standing next to someone who reeks of shit.   Yeah, the smell isn't as bad, but they still smell l like piss.

First of all, no, I was clearly -not- saying that.

That's why I used the word "majority" instead of all.  Racist blow-hard Hank was the worst Hank.  Loathed the character then.  But, he developed more then just a blow-hard single dimension character, and he grew on me.

As an avid Stephen King reader, I have to say that absence is far from unfortunate.

Well then she should tell the police!

I understand your feelings, and it was a dick move.  But my only cold comfort is that we are viewing Jesse with very different lenses..

I'm pretty sure reading some sort of conspiracy-like message from the cover of a book and a coffee mug doesn't really count as spoilers as it is a out of left-field fan theory.

Poison her with ricin!

Hank has never been perfect.  He started off as a loud-mouth, jock-type agent who had all sorts of swagger.  A bomb in Mexico and battling with some pretty serious PTSD humbled him some.

Fair enough.  If their deeds, actions and opinions were all just written down on paper, and I could compare the "Hank" column with the "Jesse" column, it would be pretty clear that Hank is head and shoulders more moral than Jesse.

Yep.  One man's actions, even with noble intent, ripples outward.  Infecting everyone.

Moar like she is the one that knocks one back.

You are the worst kind of people.

He might have done a shitty job because he was over-eager or because his own emotions got in the way of double checking.  But it's a whole other thing to sabotage a witness and informant in the hopes that he'll get murdered.

You can just call him Jesus.  The Son of God is casual like that.

He. Poisoned. A. Child.  There should be no excuse, from anyone's perspective.  Except from the perspective of the soulless monster who rationalizes such behaviour.

Bigger things to worry about.  Rabid dogs pose more a threat then badgers.

Holy crap.  I've been a pretty big Hank cheerleader for a fair majority of this series, but this is the first episode where his pursuit for Heizenburg, and his bullheaded impatience has really demonstrated he'll put aside empathy to get what he wants.  As much as it pains me, I rather see complex clearly defined

Watch out, everyone.  We got a badass over here.

Just because you keep posting the same thing over and over doesn't make her "notorious" for being the worst actor in Game of Thrones.  Repetition from one disgruntled viewer does not a reputation make.