
And I'd argue that that sweet, sweet deal apparently wasn't sweet enough.  If it was, they'd be spilling the beans.  Everyone has a limit.

@avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus  Yes, I was referring to your comment that stated that it's the writers fault for not knowing how to write for her.  I argue that they knew exactly what they were doing, and purposefully wrote her that way.

Pride, I'll give you.  But Legacy?  Please.  Hank never once mentioned about leaving a legacy or people remembering him.  He wants to finish what he started:  To catch Heisenberg.  It's a personal quest of his, not delusions of grandeur.

It's fun to see a villain or "bad guy" do his thing, and admire the planning, or cunning or just brutality of their actions.  But it's another thing to "root for" them.

Meh.  Op-ed pieces like this just remind me of elementary school.  One kid would do something stupid and then the whole class would get lectured.  Since I'm not a sexist jerk who belittled the poor woman and confused the actress with the character, I'm good, thanks.

Maybe the writers knew exactly what they were doing and decided to make Skyler…. you know… NOT likable?

Yes.  This, a thousand times.  I really appreciate shows that show rather then tell.  The searching around in the pockets, the shot of the cigarettes, and the look of revelation on Jesse's face.  It communicates everything you need to know without saying a damn word.

The fools!  Who watches some crappy sub-par show to see a preview when you have… the internet!

It;s moments like this that confirm that, Hank and Marie truly love each other.  He might have been very upset at what she did, but he knew why she did it.  If the roles were reversed, he'd probably do the same, so what's the point in yelling?

Uh.  When that place is a featureless, shifting desert and it might be years before you visit it again, even the most sound mind might need a refresher or two.

See, that's where the problem lies.  Why would Hank be chasing after the "white Wale" Heisenberg if he was just controlling him all along?  Why would he -constantly- bring it up?  Wouldn't it be to his benefit to just be nice and quiet and let things play out to his advantage?

I was hoping for the same thing, but I think Hank and Gomez are cut from the same cloth:  Gomez would be sympathetic, but he'd blow the whistle on the whole thing as quick as you please.  If Hank's going to confess, it has to be to the higher-ups, for the sake of professionalism and posterity.

You're putting -way- too much stock in an arbitrary letter grade.  Just take a deep breath and chill.

I figure it's best to separate Skyler criticism into two camps:  Actual detractors who can form a cogent argument should be debated with.  Name-callers should be ignored.  It's really unfair to lump the latter group in with the former.

I rekon Saul was more fearful of the "mover", as in "If i send my client to him and he's fucked up on pot, he'll have my ass".

Considering this is all just fiction, I think you're safe.  If, say, Pol Pot just stuck to postulating opinions on the internet, the world, and especially Cambodia, would be a better place.

You'd be surprised.  Criminals, even professional ones, do have a code of ethics.  Of course, that code of ethics doesn't really match up with you, me or the majority of society, but it's there.  They can rationalize the murder of a grown man, but kill children?  There is a reason why child molesters, rapists and

The problem was not the ricin/lilly of the valley poison diagnosis.  The problem was that Walt denied he had anything to do with the ricin cigarette pick pocketed from Jesse.  Then, to seemingly confirm this, the ricin cigarette was "found" in Jesse's roomba.  Now, thanks to Saul's confession, Jesse knows he was right

They weren't the exact same cigarettes.  They're his brand, and they were on him the entire time.  The purpose of the cigarettes is to show that was all that was in his pockets.  Which gets Jesse's mind thinking the last time something went missing.  The cigarettes are a mental cue, a spark, a way for him to connect
