
The Frozen Chekhov's gun…. is also cursed.

Thank you for that forced meme and your plans for the evening.

No thank you.

Since Roman Holiday was made in the 50's, I reckon that's to early for Family Guy.  Change that to an 80's or 90's reference though, and you're golden.

Dude.  Walt is pushing 52 at this point.  Let me give you some insight on the generation gap:

Low hanging fruit, John.  Low hanging fruit.

Please.  There is always a chance.  Mafia members, who take an oath on the penalty of death, rat to the cops all the time.  Much like the "money question"  (Which is the assumption that you can get anyone to do nearly anything if you offer them enough cash), if the cops turn on enough heat, and the law threatens to

So many powerful moments in this episode, but one thing that's still stuck in my mind is Hank just ditching the office to go "out".  The look on his face.  He's totally boxed in, he's trying fervently to figure out how he can get the upper hand, some proof.. anything, and then he just heads out.

Hey.  Sometimes the fruit is all the way up the tree.  I'd rather just lazily paw at it and let it fall into my big fat gullet.

Funny thing about that.  I don't use twitter, nor watch CNN.  And I still get the news.  So many mediums and so many sources.  Your false dichotomy and appeal to progress rings false.

Except it really isn't all that clever.  That's the problem.

The poor child succumbed to cancer?  Because that's what happened.  Your pathetic attempt at a "joke" failed, ya douche.

Agreed.  You don't get from cancer diagnosis to meth kingpin without making some pretty overt and clear choices.  It's not like he slipped and fell into all that money.

Yeah, it sure is crazy for us who desire to see a criminal face, you know, justice.

So, in otherwords, re-make the list into something that you like instead?

Hey, if you lie enough times, eventually you'll hit something that's true due to sheer probability.  It's like the whole monkey-typewriter-Shakespeare thing, except the monkeys are blogging and lazy as well.

Or leave her around anything valuable that can be stuffed in a purse.

You… you want me to put down the torch AND pitchfork to drink…beer?

"Oh!  The show you like is back, right NERDS?

Yeah, we heard you the first time.