
Once the street gangs got a surprise influx of cash ("We just found it laying in the street and in cactuses and shit, yo") they really upped their graffito-tag quotas.

RIP AVClub nerd.  We hardly knew thee.  Other then the fact that your bad heart was triggered by Star Trek jokes.

Spoiler alert:  Doctors can be wrong.

Your sympathy was probably lost somewhere between Walt cooking drugs, and ended somewhere around the manslaughter (by omission), homicide and.. oh yeah..poisoning a child.

I don't know about that.  Hank, despite his "I don't know who you are anymore" comment, actually -does- know what Walt is capable of.  He's been tracking Heisenberg for a long time.  Plus, now that Walt put everything in the open, and -threatened- Hank, do you really think he's just going to let his guard down?  Plus,

And yet, as we have seen, Hank is best when his back is up against the wall.  This is going to be very, very very interesting to watch.

Didn't you even listen to Saul?  TVDW might be great, but he still needs two miracles to become a saint.

Dean Norris is awesome.  For me, he's the main reason I'm watching.  Also, on a somewhat related note, did he lose weight?

I have bad news for you.  There is a thing called "The Beast with a Billion Backs", "Into the Wild Green Yonder" and this episode.

Ah, going for the ol' multiple personalities excuse, are we?

Considering that we simple humans are not the majestic sea-horse, I don't think you need to qualify "woman-babies" considering we men cannot give birth.

Yes, how dare they talk about a part of a song in an article having to deal with the song!

AAAHH!!  Someone on the internet has a different opinion on a movie then me!  I must curse at them!

Congratulations on having horrible taste, I guess!

My friend, you are my friend, my friend.

Because, it's the internet.  Sometimes something that is negative is funny or amusing or entertaining.


Yes!  A rant about someone's personal political beliefs:  what I always want to read when talking about a TV show!

Thank you for the personal attacks!  You have shown me how rational and adult you can be.  Although I could agree that an abusive, bigoted or cruel person should not be a part of a reasonable discussion, telling someone to leave because you just don't like what they are saying is censorship.

Alright, I understand you, and thanks for clearing that up.  However, I'm very confused in your claim that he writes in a fashion that disrespects the readers.  How is he being disrespectful?  I ask this without venom, and I'm truly curious, for I didn't feel insulted or disrespected when I read Sims' review.