
Never said I hated the show.  But I do like criticising the broad, silly conclusions that you make.

Criticism is not trolling and censorship is unethical.

You need to go back and read the criticisms again.  It isn't being labelled as "romcom stuff" because it has men and women interacting or even forming sexual relationships.   It's being called "romcom" stuff because the show is exhibiting some very broad tropes that are found in many romantic comedies.

Uh.  Excuse me.  Hootie McFreckleface has a name.

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus  "Fresh eyes" could also mean, "Someone who thinks exactly how I think!  I find contrary opinions personally offensive!"

Yes it is!

Bad writing?  Poor tone?  Proselytism?

@avclub-1d04064d540beb34e0cc414561bc6f35:disqus  I love how sanctimonious and disparaging you get when other people voice their opinion.  It's so cute!

"But the folks who log on here to do that don't need any hand-wringing bullshit from me, and won't get it, I swear."

You.. yooooou not good! Everyone Betray me, I'm fed up with this wurld.

You need to tighten your tinfoil hat, it's coming loose.

Yes, because James Gandolfini had a heart attack, we can't have any mention of the word "heart".  Even if it's used as a metaphorical expression.

I'm honestly confused.  Paula Dean made a shitty, stupid joke that was racist.  Since she's not a professional comedian, and she has (or had) a show, such consequences are no surprise.  But, let's be honest here:  low-brow ignorant racist jokes are a dime a dozen.  I sincerely hope all the people who are mocking her

I have to say, I really liked the talk Carmela gave to Father Phil.  He never bothered me as much as he seemed to have bothered others, but I think he needed that wake-up call.  In the series so far, I saw him as an earnest person and a pretty decent spiritual guide for a young priest, but there was something about

I didn't know calling someone out on their hypocrisy counted as a guilt trip.

I just saw the scene you talked about, with the follow up conversation with Father Phil and Carmela, and I didn't interpret it the same way.  I didn't see it as "blaming the victim" as much as it was, "Listen, you're not entirely blameless in this.  Everyone makes mistakes, and I think you're a strong enough woman to

It's always a good idea to mock your audience.

I'm pretty sure the reviewer doesn't know what the hanky-panky he's talking about.

Uh-huh.  And the joyful exclamation him having sex with a girl and losing his virginity was also in character, I'm sure.  :P

I don't know what show you're watching, but Hank has shown all his sexual interest in the ladies.   Just because he doesn't discriminate on what a bad-ass strength suit looks like doesn't make him gay.