pw exclamation mark

what do you think of Poison Elves returning?

baby steps!

And if you're so clever, why haven't you made a follow up to Garden State?

Saw him at Austin City Limits last year and I felt that Mangum did a phenomenal job removing all that crowd reverence.  He had a way of dispelling the messiah myth thrust upon him, playing a great show, and the crowd got everything they put in.

I Know Very Well How I Got My Meme

Stretch Goal and Wait

oh comely!

Crowdfunders of the World Donate

on fire!

Does Zack VanderHuge still make Garden State?

It does perplex me there isn't more vocal overlap in the Hate Venn Diagram

thankfully Scrubs does that for us

"I'll take the magnetic-fuzzy-face toy from my youth please, with some of that Ken Burns panache!"

Here's where I ask the AVClub what I'm missing out on with Locke & Key.  I'm due for a new series

I meant more that I don't imagine a ton of people will discover this show, period.  It's first year filled the post-Sopranos void for some, and I think it even followed Dexter's time slot, but it was a great series with a terrific cast that was cancelled by season 3.  More than anything,  I hardly EVER hear anyone

Mad Men seems a big hit to me, but not quite as great as everyone thinks it is

very good.  Sad it won't even find the audience it deserves in DVD purgatory.  Loved that show

they truly all managed to create a chain made entirely of weakest links

I've only seen 3 episodes of AHS but it entertains my imagination at the least, and I lower the bar because it's just kitchen sink nonsense to eat popcorn to.

I say all the time how some [great] shows have ruined all other television for me.  I even worried I wouldn't even be able to enjoy "lesser" shows because they didn't have the intense quality of the few "greats".