pw exclamation mark


better television deserves 2 per review.  Maybe HOC does 3-4 at a time?

dangit. exactly what I was afraid of.

Exhibit A: Garden State
Exhibit B: his Kickstarter campain

(for children I believe) 
Not sure how they keep scammers away, but we were helping out a legit family we knew

I'll give him the same amount I'm giving to Braff

"He said worst Fukien actress! I say ha! I not from Fukien! AV Commenters know nothing!"

No, fuck that.  incisive maybe, but without insight.  As aimless and with as little to say as the subject matter, or the people it portrays.  Even if that's the point, I don't like spending time with real people like that, let alone fictional ones, let alone Tim and Eric fictional ones

I'm about to dive in this weekend.  I've even heard that folks who [rightfully] roll their eyes at Millar's writing [me] will enjoy it thoroughly

it's lighter and Darwyn Cooke-esque fun, but DEADHORSE was a joyful discovery for me. Deadhorsecomic(dot)com has a free preview I believe

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus  "Discovery" is a first rate 5 star album, but in the grand scheme of their own output, and music/soundtrack history, I'd agree with 3rd tier.  I like 'em, but it's just [my] perspective. 

I sure do agree with the current profile picture

Lump BeefBroth

@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus I thank you, and my father's favorite joke thanks you

How now, David Yow

I will also be focusing on the instrumentals, but have you seen the version where some you-tuber changed the pitch, and it sounds like a lost Michael Jackson B-side?

If one could imagine Morrissey never having read a book in his lifetime, or Marr minus all that genius baggage

Well, maybe I made the easy link because they were two Kosinski lackluster blockbusters that turned a lot of people on to two artists I sincerely like, but in my opinion, did not bring their A or B game to the soundtracks that were being triumphed.

same currently for M83

not blaming, comparing.  One might even argue, alluding.  Alluding that it's plausible that the masses can be idiots