pw exclamation mark

and ask MrFuriousa to try and not f—- up the rest of the show for you

FINALLY! haven't logged in for almost a year just to ask hasn't everyone watched seasons 5-7 of the Shield?!

i'm so happy how many times people are bringing up Homicide here

then I hope you clicked on the related link where he turns into "an elephant"

That set the bar for me.  In fact, good as they are, I'm not sure even Miyazaki has topped it.

in the city or in the woods,
help keep Americaaaaaaaaa….
looking good

Or even the bands that have a sound and style of production that is so rooted in analog and magnetic tape that it's a perfect format.

aka: Sam Goody going out of business sale

agreed.  For me, 50% of my love of the vinyl medium has to do with the packaging in its large format, 50% audio (not just quality of sound but also the way it forces me to listen to the album as more than just background noise).  90% of new vinyl releases/re-issues come with download coupons anyway.  I feel 100% of

with my "bass boost" clicked on!

Just don't go pickin' flowers in Starkville…

He was great in The Claim, yet another excellent Thomas Hardy adaptation by Winterbottom

I came here specifically for the Sea & Cake

congratulations, you're both terrible

I found his last 5 films to be unbearable to sit through.  I was recently on a plane and forced myself to endure the contrived garbage that was "we bought a zoo", only to see his name come up at the end credits for director and think "OF COURSE he did"

Dang ZMF I think I actually feel a little bad now.  I certainly watch the shit out of that show, and it's definitely 1 of 3 currently airing that I am watching as it airs.  It IS unfiltered Sutter ownage, but for some reason I'm not feeling MORE for the show that ratio would imply.  I'm going to sound like an idiot,

Hear Hear!

"liked" for "guest role on Everybody Fucks Vic" !
Lem became a perfect personification for the heart that "literally does not have the stomach."  Brilliantly put Wallflower

Wow awesome observations/perspective.  I'm partial to characters who are antagonists who are essentially correct about the shenanigans of our protagonists, but Mara's protectiveness, loyalty, and astute character judgements make her a human after my own heart.

I hope it's ok to chime in, but I got hooked on SOA because I desperately needed to fill the void The Shield left when it ended.  It did the trick for a while, all the way up until season 3 (there's an episode with a Sun Kil Moon song that was as emotionally superb as any Shield episode I had ever seen). SOA  had all