pw exclamation mark

That's why they call me Mister Mennonite 

When a girl
has a heart of butter
there's only one way to churn it…

play that funky music righteous boy

"I have a snake for thine outhouse…"

they throw wicks from candles at sporting events

they were here a year ago and it was absolutely incredible

Therman Hemsley

At different points of my life when I was a rabid fan, I remember always HATING the singles from Stereolab and They Might Be Giants, but a week or two later I would be crazy about the whole album (except, eternally, those lead singles).  I chalked it up to "it's just me", but I never felt they were indicative of the

"If I ever have anal polyps, I'll know what to name them"

sweet butter

Goggins has always owned from day one, and I didn't always appreciate it at first.  The way Mencia actually has to take the dead bird from Shane's arms and toss it in the trash (help maintain the cover)…Shane's expressions are priceless.

not to mention the wonderful way Claudette looked past it!

I only find season 1 to be the "worst" by definition because the series only continued to build off of itself and get better and better.

I've always been baffled by this myself, especially given that most people that actually watched this show are genuinely crazy about it.  I can't speak for the amount of trolling that goes on at imdb, but people certainly are fucking stupid.

I can't speak for anyone watching it for the first time, but it always seemed unlikely to me, given the nature of her profession.  If it was Shane taking an active interest, that might be another story…

That extreme vulnerability as well as his obsessive pursuance of greatness makes him both admirable and relatable to me.  It may be rare and fleeting, but the applause from the peanut gallery after is powerful stuff, let alone the cathartic release in his car.  A top Shield moment  

I know!  The rewatches are outstanding, but it'll never be our first time again…

Yeah, when a show just gets better and better and better, Season 1 is by definition the weakest!  I have to say though, even though there's always some discussion that "more should have been done with Rawlings", Season 4 is when the Shield steps on the gas.  Absolutely incredible

that "4 Handicap" is one of the most hilarious Ronnie moments  of all time. The look Lem and Shane gave each other was priceless

I think it was fair for Dutch to be furious over Billings mediocrity, especially when, at his best, Billings could be an incredibly competent detective.  There were LOTS of times Billings understood humanity better than Dutch (the hooker that rolled a cabbie), and Dutch's surprising lack of empathy comes into question