pw exclamation mark

I say this all the time, but the Wire might be a better show, the Shield is by far my favorite. Also, to this day, I can not get over the staying power of the Shield, and it's high rewatchability

he's the smart ass Elias Koteas!

I just never thought the baby was Vic's.  I mean that seems like a fun doubt to play on, but it just seems unlikely.  Since this is the spoilers post, even when Corrine asks him that question, though it was fair of her to ask, his reaction is what I believe is truthful ("I understand why you would ask, but YECH!").  I

mmm hmm

what a fantastic breakdown of Dutch's method.  It's not the first time I've seen police let a perp tip his hand and spill too many beans in an interrogation room, but the way Dutch swallows the pride he already has to fight constantly for is like boxers taking punches to tire the other guy out.  Undoubtedly a zenith

* GAINED major points!

also, "treat her right. Treat your mother right!"

I'd like to take this opportunity to tout Open Range as being a superb western that was slept on

Oh boy

I think Dongs and "A River…" say it all.  Oldham can dilute himself at times

it makes me dislike true romance more than i always have

also, IT STINKS!

Although I happen to be a huge fan of this film and all of Mallick's films, it's totally OK if it's not your thing!   I feel the same way about my own "I guess I'M the problem for thinking Mad Men is a piece of shit television show".  I've read all kinds of diatribes and it just never clicks for me, and I wonder if

much better.

no way Onyx, treat yourself to his entire body of work.  Differences abound but all equally moving and poetic

I saw Thin Red Line in the theaters and it was an amazing experience during some formative years.  I thought it was cruel that Saving Private Ryan was released around the same time, and much of the public compared the two and preferred SPR.   Even then I knew that time would confirm, Thin Red Line is the one you'd

Yeah worth it, especially to your original sentiment of getting "lost"! Donkey Lips is right, it's 30 minutes, and I can't truthfully tell you what was added (more beauty, a few conversations), but it's just a great experience and even more hypnotic.

He's the everyman I don't want to admit to.

"take me somewhere nice". 
I can't believe when Mogwai, or Magnetic Fields, or even a great Alice in Chains song on a car radio, will get placed in a show that otherwise features some of the most show appropriate shitty music

I agree that Aceveda was so intertwined that his inability (and constant series flip flopping) were a great way of highlighting his mirroring hypocrisy.