pw exclamation mark

*exposes comically oversized eye*

gonna knock you right on the head

I sentence you to be expoooooooosed

/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\

"Family Mething!"

@avclub-90248d0a98105fa534cf2b0696ddd12f:disqus  what was your problem with the most glued on beard in TV history?

"…Pussy said yes plenty!"

I think I poked fun at this in a previous review but dear lord was that ever a mar.  I could practically hear the writers room press their fingers on the side of their eyes…

Fantastic as always Wallflower; you are doing the lord's work here


Immediately thought of Tyrannosaur as well, but agree to let time dictate that one.  He would certainly be allowed to "retire" off that one if he liked, though I hope he doesn't

cheers @avclub-e0f48a1058f0f0204b22d4a2fd6f18ae:disqus , you nailed a lot of the intangible qualities I loved about the film (and the song…and life, sigh)

LOVE this movie. 
… and the Nina Simone bookends? Gorgeous.  Unbelievable version of Sandy Denny's grand slam song "Who Knows Where the Time Goes" 

on purpose?


AND a holding cell in the stadium

yeah, thanks a lot for all that influence, Eagles.

That's the kind of money I'd pay to NOT go to an Eagles concert

…so I can teach that method to my children

It would've been a lot better without all that fucking Eagles music