pw exclamation mark

I have heard lots of people rave about how avant garde and experimental nels cline is.  Man is dangerous as a butter knife

few bands are as offensively marginal, or more insultingly plain, than wilco

WHOOP!  Gig em!!!

I can't ever argue the magnitude of the aforementioned's ICON status.  Even if Elvis was a puppet he is STILL the KING, and Holly prodigiously captured innocence, now encased in timeless glass due to talent cut short.  History will put Roy on the B-pedastal because he didn't die when he was 27, but I sincerely think

I will NOT post Spoilers in this thread, but me and my wife talked about that a LOT during seasons 3 & 4.  Aceveda's character will be the subject of great debate (especially the seasons 3 & 4 recaps), but maybe he deserved her.  Neither are there for each other in any capacity besides in front of a camera. 

(ambiguous) SERIES SPOILERS:

It's funny you mention 24 because I am currently sludging my way through that on Netflix.  I discovered it halfway through S4 and it rocked my socks off for another year and a half, at which point it jumped the shark and I blew it off (apparently I need to see how it "ends".)  I always joke that The Shield "ruined

SO true; it's a pretty amazing feat to have me genuinely rooting for dirty cops for that long.  I think they way they flipped that on its head in 7 seasons and manipulated my emotions and opinions throughout the way is Exhibit A on how television CAN be one of the greatest mediums of art and storytelling (not to

I don't doubt that the way you're watching "works", but you are absolutely denying yourself the fullest potential of impact by doing this.

I'm glad you brought up the Wire, Breaking Bad, and even Oz.  Shows like the Wir or Homicide were great layered journalism.  Oz was a fun soap opera, but when you're only concerned with the bullet points of plot advancement, you get an emotionless final season like flat soda.  I love Breaking Bad (let me stress, LOVE

I became a convert by accidentally flipping the channels and catching the greatest fight scene in television history (season 3).  By the time Season 4 aired I caught up on Seasons 1-3 via DVD.  I rolled my eyes at a lot of kinks I knew they had ironed out by S4.  Some of the edginess occasionally did tow the line of

Before I saw the Shield's real endgame, "cleaning up their mess" was one of my favorite aspect of every season, and I rode it like a roller coaster year to year.  For a few seasons, I was tagging along to see "how" (not "if") they were going to get themselves out of each and every pickle with their trademark grins. 

just burned through seasons 1-5 like they were Pringles at a sleepover.  I simply can not consume this show at a medium pace.  It's killing me but I am TRYING to stave off 6 & 7 for as long as possible in an attempt to synch up with these reviews and comments.

It's the invincibility that comes from getting away with things.  It seems impossible to Shane that he could jeopardize a situation enough to be a victim, even during a 15 minute victory lap.

So brutal I still think Vic and Shane look almost stunned that T-Boz died, as if they expected a slightly lesser outcome

every group has a punching bag, and they definitely rib him from time to time, but 9 times out of 10 he is the voice of reason (just not necessarily the voice of "right")

"Ladies love the 'stache."

    - - - M.C. Has-Been [I Don't]

I guess my ignorance was based solely on the permanent waiting list that is Netflix, but according to "the internet", it DOES exist!

It's a shame, Twin Falls Idaho was such a haunting debut, but I don't even think you can get that on Netflix (or DVD).