
It is definitely Rory and Amy waiving from the cliff, as is shown at the end of the second part. Personally I think it pays off more than "slightly".

Also Freema Agyeman had a small part in the Season 2 finale before being re-cast as Martha Jones.

River Song can write in Gallifreyian, pilot the TARDIS, and knows the Doctor's real name. Have we discussed the possibility that she is a Time Lord?
1. Susan. The Doctor's granddaughter. What ever happened to her.
2. The Doctor's daughter from the RTD episode "The Doctor's Daughter."
3. The woman from the end

No one on this thread mentioned "Ankle Biters"? The one with the midget, redneck vampires? With the theme song that repeats: "Thee feet tall, two inch fangs!" over and over?

I am less versed in classic Who (which I plan to change after reading the Who Gateway to Geekery), but I have to up the Martha Jones love quotient in this thread. She was just damn gorgeous. And Hot as Hell.

Is it just me, or does this story really come off as: "Denzel has the only copy of the Bible. And he will KILL ANYONE WHO TRIES TO READ IT!" Which sounds very Christian of him to me.

@GTQP Zooey: But that's not what the episode was about. It was about the Doctor trying to overcome his self-imposed limitations and help these people to live *while* changing history to do so. If he just took them to the future or something, he wouldn't really have been changing one of his "fixed points in time".

@ Booyah - Hot damn, I am usually up on this kind of stuff, but I forgot until just now that Rena Sofer had, in fact, played Nathan's wife in an earlier episode.

The first google result for "The Weather Underground" is this:
Which did not allay my confusion one bit…

@Eponymous - Man, I got to shake Michael Douglas's hand when they were filming that movie, ended up with my picture in the paper and everything. Toby McGuire, however, was a dick. And I was pissed that Katie Holmes was not on set the day I was.

Read the full account from the UCKG Webpage, it's much funnier:

@Shih Tzu What's really funny is that Benjamin Button is more of a "neat trick" than a movie anyways.

@Banmar Alyssa Milano may be getting up in the years, but I would definitely not call her a "bag."

@TomWaits What you're saying is true, but should we draw a line between people whose offences are non-art related (Thriller isn't about Michael Jackson having sex with kids), and offences that are part of the art, like this CD?

"Mailboxes drip like lampposts in the twisted birth canal of the coliseum
Rim job fairy teapots mask the temper tantrum
O' say can you see 'em"
~Royal Jelly, Dewy Cox

Mama has a squeezebox, Daddy never sleeps at night.

But how else to get the biggest, roundest ass possible, if not from Fast Food?

I think that despite Alan Moore's quote, you can also look for good comics out of mainstream superhero comics as well. If you haven't read Brad Meltzer's "Identity Crisis" it is an excelent comic, that, while it is all about superheros, is really an intellegent and compelling look at the world of the DC Universe.

I recall my friend, who is a huge GL nerd, saying that in recent incarnations colors caused emotions. While the ring works on yellow things, it makes the GL angry, or scared, or something, so he has to overcome that.

I also think bad Word of Mouth may have hurt it. I'm sure lots of people who didn't go on opening weekend might have gone later if they hadn't heard from all the comic book geeks about how bad it was.