
Not just that, but Joseph Gordon-Levitt's entire story was written just for the movie, so same problem with it.

I don't think he (That Not-Yet Yellow Bastard) did rape her, I thought Hartigan got to him in time to stop it. The implication was there had been other girls before this one, and he rapes them once and kills them.

Super late, but I just watched this. I'm pretty sure Michael says to the board room of architects that he (or someone) stole a Good Place Janet to help the illusion.

Can't it be both?

I would wear a shirt that said "Outlaw Country" only if it had a picture of Cherlene Tunt on it.

Came down here to see if anyone had mentioned this yet. I love that version.

When I was a boy scout we sang "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" as a campfire song, so I'm not really one to talk…

My response to his whole "not listening to Rock music, or seeing The Avengers" thing can be summed up by this comic:   http://www.xkcd.com/150/

My response to his whole "not listening to Rock music, or seeing The Avengers" thing can be summed up by this comic:   http://www.xkcd.com/150/

"You're sitting at a computer when you come across an article saying Ripley Scott is making a sequel to Blade Runner without any connection to Harrison Ford or Philip K. Dick.  How do you respond?"

"You're sitting at a computer when you come across an article saying Ripley Scott is making a sequel to Blade Runner without any connection to Harrison Ford or Philip K. Dick.  How do you respond?"

I sort of felt like they just didn't completely explain what the problem was, rather than making up a different problem.  How's this for a try:

My roommate recently got her mother's birth and death dates tattooed on the inside of her wrist.  Since then she's been trying to get everyone she knows to get tattoos.  When I said I wasn't too interested in getting one, she said she would pay for me to get a My Little Pony tattoo.  I said, If you're serious, I will

I agree.  Both Michelle and Santino like the fishy ones, and Kenya was the fishiest this season…

@avclub-57db7d68d5335b52d5153a4e01adaa6b:disqus Hey, Trench Bears were the second largest single cause of death during WWI!  Take them seriously!  Tell your friends about the dangers of Trench Bears!

@avclub-383beaea4aa57dd8202dbff464fee3af:disqus Ah, right, my WWI knowledge is shaky at best, and I was just going by what we see in those scenes.  I'm pretty sure this is never specifically addressed.  I might go back and watch all those WWI scenes again.  Most of them happen early in the series, before we know the

Update after testing, or just push all three keys at the same time: 
CTRL + ~ + a

No, the American soldier was on the western front. The bear must have crossed the "no-man's-land" between the two trenches, and got to the western side. You'll notice the Russian soldier, crossing the same no-man's-land is up at the top of the trench, aiming down at the American.  Plus when Will goes up the

Easier way to do it in MS Word (but only in Word):

Dear Hasboro:  You have a property that has a (unexpectedly) large following among the key "Male18-34" demographic.  If you would like that demographic to be attracted to your other properties, why not learn some lessons from the one that has it.  Lessons like interesting characters, intelligent writing, and good