
He said Louis C.K., not Cameron Esposito

Yeah but then the editors would just fart out another GJI! article.

I don't give a shit about some lame ass Twitter joke but I do want Maher prosecuted at The Hague for that awful, awful hat.

Wait until the Blunchblack of Blotre Blame finds out about this…

Also, could Daniel sleep on your couch? Just for a few days, man. He's definitely getting that assistant manager gig at Kohl's.

By the way, if anyone out there can actually shatter a glass beer bottle by throwing it against some loosely strung chicken wire, I'll give them $1,000.

I identify as a guy who showers on the reg, but all my coworkers would disagree.

Yea well they should really honor whatever numbskull refs the Jets games every year. EVEN A BLIND GUY WOULD CALL THAT A HOLD, STEVE.

They let fuckin' Marky Mark play a goddamned scientist, I didn't see NASA protesting that shit!!!!

Fuckin' whatever floats your boat as long as there's dick kicking.

Oh and don't forget this journalistic masterpiece: An article whose thesis statement can be summarized as "Bill Cosby played a fictional character on a TV show I liked, therefore INNOCENT!!!"

You've basically described every person who gets up to speak at your local zoning board meeting.

Him and Shkreli should team up for a PEOPLE YOU'D LIKE TO KICK IN THE DICK Tour.


Plus he tossed that one Commie like a sack of doorknobs.

I'd suggest current day Artie Lange as Young Paulie, but a quick Google search reveals he actuality looks older than Burt Young today.

I say have Creed fight Brigitte Nielsen. I bet she has a mean right hook.

Eh, even a Carnival cruise has to be better than most Romanian towns.

Paulie was in a really disturbing episode of original Law & Order where he played a serial rapist. I'm not sure how much of it was acting…….

I always assumed some KGB agent waxed Drago in the locker room immediately after the fight.