
Alls I know is that if Drago kills one of Creed's friends in the movie, Creed fuckin' better drive around town in his Lamborghini listening to "No Easy Way Out."

I stopped watching once that one cop almost got fuckin shot to death but didn't want to dime out the club so she could "Keep the town whole." What the Christ?


Was this stuff smuggled out in someone's butthole? If not, no sale.

He's like a fatter, less successful version of Turtle.

I liked the part where Charles Bronson killed like, four punks in a subway car for being mildly disruptive.

Even the Kardashians are better people than AJ "I'd publish a four year old's sex tape" Daulerio

You mean Alex O'Laughlin, star of "The Backup Plan"? A waterlogged 2x4 could out-act him..

Christ, who gives a fuck about either of these monsters.

They're a bunch of dumbasses for trying to shortchange Zero Cool. He's elite!

It woulda been a lot more successful with the original title, "Black Guys Talk Like This, Asian Guys Talk Like This."

Scott Caan earning more than $1 for literally anything is the greatest injustice this world has ever known.

Hey, it worked for OJ!

But the obviously guilty deserve a chance for their weasel lawyers to confuse a jury with irrelevant bullshit!!!!!!!!!

I think that was the Fyre festival guy. This Brafman dingus definitely took the gig because he could get his face on the news.

Brafman further insisted that Shkreli had been “baited” into a commenting by a biased press….

I'm just hoping every last juror lied through their teeth and claimed they've never heard of this little shitstain before.

Also the fact that it's the easiest goddamned job in the universe and you make ungodly amounts of money.

A guy I work with (who is perfectly nice and very good at his job) is super into craft beers. Personally, I don't get it. I don't see why you would drive four hours to some brewery for the chance of being able to buy like, 2 bottles of beer.

Because you can't smoke a wooden bangle out of a light bulb, fuckin' DUH