
A reminder that New York State Supreme Court justices don't even clear $200,000 a year.

—The A.V. Club

This movie came out when I was 9 and even I thought Robin William's son was a total lame-o.

Nah, he definitely wrote that shit himself.

If the Lost Boys never had any food, how come that one kid was so fat?

His origin story is that he was rough trade, right?

Is that the one where Bill Paxton is a firefighter and they're trying to steal gold from some random apartment building in the hood because reasons?

Whatever, their show at the Ritz from 88 is still one of the best concerts ever.

Where's a depressed loner with a gun when you actually need one…

Oh on the contrary, my friend. I produce an enormous amount of shit, mainly due to my diet of slightly expired McDonald's burger patties and milk that's been left sitting next to a radiator.

I wonder what the search terms were that returned the stock photo accompanying this article.

As long as he doesn't bring his bitch ass kid with him.

Uber is the poster child for Silicon Valley "innovation": "Yeah here, we invented taxi service but gave it a new name. WHERE'S OUR BILLIONS?"

Fuck him and fuck his shitbag father.


Street Sharks was fukken JAWSOME!!!

Personally I am even more impressed by what J can do with a guitar while barely appearing conscious (I've seen them live over a dozen times, never a bad show).

I hope Trump throws all these guys in a Siberian prison colony.

I highly recommend everyone read a book called "Hit and Run" by Nancy Griffin if you want to find out just how fucking nuts Peters and Guber are.

The only way to accurately cast MJ is to find a fucking martian, dude was OUT there.