Honestly, for kids I can see the appeal. But I just saw a stat on MSNBC that said adults now spend more money on Halloween than kids. I find this spooky.
Honestly, for kids I can see the appeal. But I just saw a stat on MSNBC that said adults now spend more money on Halloween than kids. I find this spooky.
Dick's dick is just trying to make it as a screenwriter like everyone else. Don't fear the little guy unless you're worried about it stealing material.
Naw man I enjoy a good breev.
Yeah, Halloween doesn't follow trite patterns at all. Right.
I don't understand what's fun about it though. Really, I don't.
Am I the ONLY one
who thinks Halloween is the dumbest fucking thing on earth? I remember being like 7 and thinking it was tiring and dumb.
I had never seen that or any of those other National Guard promos before today. That is propaganda at its most intensely ludicrous.
Fuck all of you
Caprica was a great show and should be properly mourned. I'm kind of surprised at the overwhelming apathy about this news by you guys. One of the greatest shows on TV just got killed! FUCK!
My new theory is that the Masturbating Bear was the one filling America's woods with copious amounts of printed pornography.
This seems like a good story
to create yet another woods porn thread.
I lived through the transition between wood porn and early internet porn. My friend had some woods behind his house and a BITCHIN tree house that had a secret compartment that he built in it, and we would go out in the woods and find porn and add it to the tree house collection. I swear to god we found over a hundred…
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Too far Sasso. Watch the cheap shots.
No Des Moines, Nabin. Come to Iowa City.
Jim Carrey.
Boll + KFC Bowls = Blubberella
How much you wanna bet this thing involves 2pac in some way?
New Zealand-
Is it possible to mock God without mocking Stephen Baldwin?
Fucking cry about it. The ending was not that bad and it sure as fuck didn't ruin THE ENTIRE SERIES. I'm sick of you joyless fucks ruining my TV buzz.
Jesus, I forgot that dude's name was Bear McCreary. What a fantastic name.