Vorpal Socks

As long as you don't accidentally catch any bears in that bear pit. The bears deserve better than being stuck in a hole with Trump.

And it's also a handy way to not actually have to write your own damn book. Why worry about tricky things like writing actual scenes in your book when you can just say "hey remember that scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark? It was just like that scene."

Them's fightin' commas right there.

"unless their job is colluding with Russia, which everyone over there seems pretty good at."

"I've got a big truck and a loaded gun rack, fuck it" is probably slightly more accurate.

Seems like a lot of extra work right there. No thanks. I've got plans this weekend.

Can I just pretend it's a bit? I would sleep better at night.

Facts not in evidence.

It's alarming that I can't tell if this is a bit or sincere.

Sure there is! Hitlery Clinton.

Upvoted because I get it!

Then why are there two of them, smart guy?

Last I heard, Barron was in charge of "The Cyber."

Somebody other than me remembers Starbrand and The Pitt? My day has been made.

NBC will just time-shift it to Prime Time like they did with the Olympics.

Oh my god you came back a month later just to call me dumb and say "shove it up your ass"? That's a sick burn, bro. I'm so burned.

Well this should lead to some fascinating discourse. I'll go make some popcorn.


On the positive side: morphine!

It will get addressed one goddamn nail at a time if necessary. Ailes gone? There's a nail. O'Reilly gone? There's another. Alex Jones custody hearing? Have a nail. Racial discrimination lawsuits? Nailed it.