Vorpal Socks

I was just assuming we'd shove a bunch of fireworks up his ass and light them. If he makes it to the sun, great. If not, hey we still got fireworks!

"I work in news, which means I both spend nine hours of my day immersed in Trump's bullshit and am forbidden to take a stance on it on any platform linked to my real identity. "

I think you misspelled "resembles" up there.

I don't know the details, but I heard that the mandatory minimum sentencing for this sort of offense is based on the damages caused ($). Which is why the question of whether anybody actually "lost" anything to his scheming is important here. If they can argue that nobody lost money to his fraud, they can try to

I tried to picture this in my imagination and the result was 40% Akira + 60% Lovecraft and I am never sleeping again.

Originally misread that as "wanking to lunch" and… well the whole thing read pretty much the same from there.

Personally, I just trash it because I honestly and truly enjoy trashing it. It's a terrible book by a terrible author and it made me angry that I wasted time reading it and it made me angry that other people do not also think it is terrible and it makes me feel better to rant about it. So. That's what I've got

I hope one day someone gets to cite the case of 'Robert E. ("Bob") Murray vs. "Eat shit, Bob"'

"I was really hoping for a crossover with … Benson." Because Benson.

"Where have you been for the last 20 minutes?"
"Sorry, I had Chipotle for lunch, so I had to 'make policy'."

I can't speak for other people, but what puts this book on my personal shit list (and damn near — if not at — the very top) is how obscenely lazy it is. He can't be bothered to describe any activity going on in his thinly built, shallow little dystopia. He just describes everything as a reference to some other,

What's Bronn been up to lately?

It will never be possible to "get them on message" until someone can convince Trump to shut the fuck up for ten goddamn minutes and quit undercutting his own staff. Which ain't gonna happen.

That's Spicey's bush! Go find yer own!

"it's a wonder they manage to converse with each other"

On the contrary, I believe those theaters will be half-empty.

That still seems pretty cruel to the bears. Would YOU want to be fed Trump ass for breakfast?

The Constitution should really include a "national embarrassment" clause that would let us remove someone so blatantly incompetent, crass, and stupid that they make us all look bad. Call it the Trump Amendment. He'd like that.

I would actually argue that the drastic shift from someone as Class Act as Obama to someone as stupifyingly stupid as Trump is in part BECAUSE Obama was so Class.

They should really just have their drivers take care of that. I mean, why even HAVE drivers if you aren't going to use them for things like this?