Vorpal Socks

So basically his tactic is going to be to sell off the country one tax break at a time and take credit for "saving" 500 jobs here and 800 jobs there and meanwhile the rest of the economy crashes and burns. Awesome.

He says that he's holding a press conference. That is very different from him actually holding a press conference. He has promised them before and yet the last time he actually held one was back in July.

"If the show had a grave, i would piss on it."

You are missing the obvious opportunity for synergistic branding inherent in the title. Think about it:
8:00pm : Planes,
8:30pm : Trains
9:00pm : Automobiles
That's three shows for the intellectual property of one! That's real value right there.

I saw a pretty serious head/neck injury happen at the Cliff Jump. The signs specifically prohibited actually diving off the cliff, though of course there was no actual enforcement of the rules. So from a nearby pool below I watched a dude try to do a forward flip and hit the water face first. He was floated off on

I don't know! I kind of doubt that management made the inspector "disappear," but who knows with that place. I always assumed somebody slipped somebody else an envelope, but I never witnessed anything.

I never kept track and it has been many, many years since then, but in my hazy memory it seems like odds were in my favor to see at least one "incident" on any given lunch break.

I am proud to say that I was one of those "under-aged, undertrained" though sadly not "under-the-influence" (I was a too-good kid) teenagers. I worked there every summer through high-school (and a winter or two when the park put on its alter-ego as a ski resort).

Pirate Captain has good taste. Shame about the tranq addiction, though.

Please tell me that was meant to be a Venture Brothers reference.

Oh my god Service Merchandise. I forgot that place used to exist.

There's a massive explosion and everyone within a two-block-radius ends up on the Ethereal Plane.

"She tasted like skeletons" still creeps me out.

Jesus Christ. If nothing else, one of this guy's sins has to be lowering the bar far enough that someone can use the Kardashians as a positive example of having done more to earn their fame. And being correct.

Quentin is a Brooklyn Millennial, and hence an insufferable, entitled douchenoodle for a solid decade longer than should be necessary to become a functioning adult.

YES! I'm glad I'm not the only person to notice that. Really creeped me out how similar the two commercials were.

I have no idea what that game would be, but I want to play it.


"And the Academy Award for Best Soundtrack goes to… Papa Roach!"