
Boy, I sure wish Hannah didn't do all those cocaines.

Rabin also seems to think that actually was a raccoon Grandpa was chasing. It's best just to let it go.

It's gibberish, but oddly close to the Polish "To nieprawda", which means "That's not true."

Hired goons?

Bra-vo! *slow clap*

I love the bit later on, when we see Stuart pecking at his passed-out coworker.

The Burmese melon fly has over a thousand sex partners, and suffers virtually no guilt.

Foul temptress! I'll bet she thinks Ziggy's gotten too preachy, too!

Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts…

I fear to watch, yet I cannot turn away!

Oh Mindy, you came and you gave without flaking, but I sent you Ben Gay,
Oh Andy, you kissed me and stopped me from something, and I…

That raccoon stole my lamb chop!

That's preposterous - Zutroy here is as American as apple pie!
Tok, ni krabga, Mistah Boons.

Uh oh, he's done for!
Yeah, don't worry, the safety glass will protect us.

I did!

*slide whistle*

Do you want ents? Because that's how you get ents.

Unless 30 Rock completely shits the bed next week this season will surely turn out to have been one of the finest final seasons of any show, ever. I am in awe.

Our snark can't handle lens flare of that magnitude!

Edit: Dammit, hat!