
The A.V. Club

A pack of wild dogs took over and successfully ran a Wendy's!

I wish House Rules were about a House superfan and his difficulty fitting in with his friends who stopped watching the show after the third season or so.

What happened with Legos? They used to be simple.

A mobile home is the more stationary of the two.

The snark comes
on little cat feet.

I prefer XTC.

Honey roasted peanuts. Ingredients: salt, artificial honey-roasting agents, pressed peanut sweepings. Mmmmm.

Or "Doesn't", if we are to believe Rabin.

Bit of an embarrassing confession here: I used to post on the alt.tv.simpsons board back in the mid-90s. Anyway, when the "Fear of Flying" episode aired in the sixth season, I'm fairly certain some people, remembering this episode, made the claim that the second Homer we see walking past the window was actually Guy

I can't believe I never noticed this before: when Barney wakes up on the Greek ship and says "Oh no! Not again!", he's lying on piled-up sacks of baklava.

Weeeeell, if it isn't the leader of the wiener patrol, boning up on his nerd lessons!

Thirsting for a way to name the unnameable, to express the inexpressible!

Rabin! Get your ass in gear!

That's bad.

Astronaut Jones was one of the greatest SNL sketches ever. It is the distillation of the recurring SNL sketch. It is the recurring SNL sketch in its purest form.

I remember the Russell & Tate sketch! It is just straight-up awesome.

I'll go ahead and assume that the only reason Chris Elliot's New Denver Airport/Penis Measuring Machine sketch  ( http://snltranscripts.jt.or… )
isn't in this list is because it aired during the first 80 minutes of its episode.

Pulled up, horse hitched, spurs still spinning