Lady Rainicorn

'I actually like The Voice UK though' - Well, I can honestly say that's the first time I've heard anybody say that.

Talking of odd cinema snacks, I once stashed a punnet of strawberries down my top in order to smuggle them into a screening of High School Musical 3.

@avclub-ff3315df974a82424353d399b7a68c07:disqus *waits patiently for someone to play the barman and finish off the joke*


Every single thing I hear about this story, I think 'There is no way this could get any better' and every single time I am proven wrong. Give it another week and Sony executives are going to be hand-delivering free pizza to us all.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, I can't wait till we get to The Work Outing. Willies, willies, I like willies…

Sure is quiet round here these days. But the fact that it's a weekend means I have nowhere else to post this, so HARMON'S DEFINITELY COMING BACK, EVERYBODY FREAK THE FUCK OUT AND NOBODY QUESTION WHY!!!

Is there anyone around here both young and British enough to reminisce about Chums with me?

Speaking as an average youth currently coming into the world and finding her own way, I have to say the Friends of my generation is probably Friends reruns. At least it was before they moved to a satellite channel none of us get because we're all fucking broke.

There's nothing official, but a lot of people who were at the Harmontown recording last night were tweeting about it. Apparently he said that he'd been asked to return and that he'd want Chevy to come back too.

…Yes, I am aware that it sounds like complete bullshit.

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus Uh, Doctor Who finished up its run last week, it's not inexplicably taking a week off for an American holiday. That'd be like Game of Thrones taking a week off for Eurovision.

I woke up, saw that Dan Harmon was claiming he's returning to Community then went back to bed, because there's no way I'm dealing with that before lunchtime at least.

I recently spent a weekend marathoning the nineties Iron Man cartoon, so unless Hawkeye rides a flying purple motorbike and calls everyone 'babe' in this thing, I'm not interested.

Luke Cage was going to be in the AKA Jessica Jones series that got passed on, and I'm still known to occaisonally sigh wistfully over the fact that it did. Sigh.

@avclub-d74a214501c1c40b2c77e995082f3587:disqus Batroc the Leaper is actually in the next Captain America movie. No, seriously.

But the yellow trousers, man! The yellow trousers!

All I've got to say is that if that was Luke Cage in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D trailer (and it so totally is), it's sure gonna be…

An Eastern European thug in a tracksuit? Now I just want a Hawkguy movie, bro.

@avclub-2dd78e6d27abfc8092491a5b76d415fa:disqus Hey, give the TBBT fans some credit - it was in the reboot movie.

I can't tell whether it's because NBC is run by maniacs or because I'm still used to the British system where schedules appear to be arranged by throwing darts at a list of shows and you're lucky to get two weeks notice before a show airs, but that schedule makes no fucking sense whatsoever to me.